Sunday, November 07, 2021

Climate change harms Iraq, stupidity harms the US Congress

On today's WEEKEND EDITION SUNDAY (NPR), Ruth Sherlock reported on the impact of climate change on Iraq:

 A water buffalo, her stomach bloated and haunches sunken, lies dying on a dry expanse of cracked earth. Her calf nuzzles her but she doesn't respond. A few yards away, another water buffalo, all skin and bone, wallows in the mud at the edge of the drying marsh waters.

The people who herd these animals in Iraq's southern marshlands are unable to save them. Drought and extreme temperatures that scientists link to climate change are altering the habitat around them and slowly ending a way of life as old as civilization itself.

This once-fertile land of reed thickets and deep waterways was part of ancient Mesopotamia, often referred to as the cradle of human civilization. For thousands of years, people have lived off the fish and water buffalo of these fertile marshes.

This year, extreme heatwaves and low rainfall are turning parts of these fragile wetlands into a place so hostile that the communities who've lived here for generations are finding it impossible to remain. The entire marshlands area, which once covered up to 7,000-plus square miles, has shrunk significantly over time.

Parts still seem idyllic. During a visit in October, in the gentle dawn light, it was easy to see why some scholars believe these waterways were the original inspiration for the biblical Garden of Eden. Herons dive for fish in the dark waters, and sunrise meets a cacophony of birdsong. Warblers and black and white kingfishers dart among the green reeds.

Those reeds form the canopies of simple shelters where families sleep and live alongside their animals on small islands. They rise at first light and set about milking their water buffaloes. Then they load containers of the frothy liquid into rickety wooden boats, and speed to the nearby town of Chibaish to sell the fresh milk at the market.

Related, Zoran Tweets:

There will be a major water crisis in the near future for the KRG and Iraq if immediate action is not taken. Climate change does play a part in this but the main cause of this is Turkey and Iran restricting the flow of the rivers.

And UNICEF notes:

While global leaders meet in COP26, climate change is disrupting children’s lives in Iraq, from Basra to Erbil. The climate crisis is a child rights crisis, watch this video for more on UNICEF’s response and support to communities for collective climate action.

From reality, let's move over to the crazy.  Did Graham Kelly sleep with Katie Hill?  I don't know and I don't care and, more importantly, I didn't have to know Graham's sleezy name until tonight because, minutes ago, he wrongly thought he was an expert on Iraq and had something to say.

That's when he Tweeted this:

The Republicans let 9/11 happen then they invaded Iraq for no reason, while they were doing that denied climate change and let New Orleans drown, they then let the economy fall off a cliff, then when they took back power they let covid run rampant through our country

I have no idea whether Katie f**ked him while she was in Congress.  I'd like to think he has something going for him in the bedroom since he surely has nothing going for him in the brain.  That this man, who Tweets this nonsense, worked for a member of Congress does not speak well for the body.

Nor does it speak well for Emily's List which is where Katie Hill found him listed.

Did Republicans let 9/11 happen?  So now it's the whole party -- or at least the ones elected to Congress, right?  Willie Brown is a Democrat.  Maybe it didn't make it out of our area but it was news in the Bay View area that Willie was warned not to fly.  If it's news to you, click here for THE SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE'S report on that.

Katie's alleged boy toy sure repeats a lot.  He doesn't know much though.  The Republicans in office -- Congress and the White House -- couldn't have delivered the Iraq War on their own.  That's why they needed Democrats like Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, John Edwards, Joe Biden, Steny Hoyer (who's the leader of the party in the House right now), Nita Lowey, Carolyn Maloney, Stephen Lynch and, let's not forget, the notorious Russia-gate liar Adam Schiff.  There are many, many more we could list.  

Only an idiot would Tweet out those baseless charges and only an idiot would pin the blame for the Iraq War on the Republican Party.  It was a bi-partisan effort.  

That a disgraced Congressional staffer -- accused by the husband of the member of Congress of sleeping with her -- thinks he can have a life on Twitter now is surprising. That he thinks he has something to share is astounding.

Graham Kelly is an ugly piece of ass -- those teeth are real but they look fake -- and he's not very smart.  His rising to the level of a Congress member's legislative director is an indictment of the Congress and the system itself.  

Kat's "Kat's Korner: No, Diana Ross, Thank You" and Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "That Moment Nancy Can't Live Down" went up last night and early this morning.

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