Saturday, December 04, 2021

JUST RELEASED: 2021 Conference Keynote Videos + More!


Bioneers Pulse – updates from the Bioneers Community


Our largest media release of the year begins today with our complete collection of Bioneers 2021 keynote presentation videos. We're honored to be able to share talks from these inspirational, world-changing speakers, and we hope that as their words are passed along, their many campaigns and movements will grow in strength and numbers.

Additionally, we've begun releasing videos from some of our most popular Bioneers 2021 panels. These one-of-a-kind conversations bring experts together to discuss their work and what's coming in their fields. You won't want to miss the first ones, now live on the Conference Media page.

Below, we share a quick taste of what you'll find when you watch each keynote video.

Check Out The Full Collection
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Suzanne Simard | Dispatches From the Mother Trees

“Forests are so important because even though they only cover one-third of our land area, they store between 70 and 80% of the carbon in the terrestrial systems. They’re home to 80% of the species. They provide 80% of our clean water. They provide the oxygen we breathe. They are absolutely fundamental to our life-support systems. Saving these old-growth forests now is the number one thing that we need to do.”
Watch the Full Keynote Video

Deanna Van Buren | Achieving Equity in the Built Environment

"What if we could start to talk to folks who have been most impacted by the system of mass incarceration and see what kind of physical infrastructure they might imagine? Join me in thinking about what our justice system would look like with a different set of values in place. A system that values love, that is rooted in care. We can do this just as easily as we can build a prison or jail, maybe even easier."
Watch the Full Keynote Video

David Montgomery and Anne Biklé | You Are What Your Food Ate

"After doing the research in the peer-reviewed literature, doing some of our own testing, and visiting many of the farms we were writing about, we found that regenerative farming can double the carbon in topsoil over the course of a few decades."
Watch the Full Keynote Video

Rupa Marya | Deep Medicine and the Care Revolution

"To understand why our bodies and our planet are suffering in the ways that they are, we need the correct diagnosis, and for that we must extend our story back in time to 600 years ago, when narratives were told that opened the door to systems of domination, that made land theft and resource extraction possible on a global scale."
Watch the Full Keynote Video

Alexandria Gordon | The Power of Young People

"It’s going to take young people recognizing our power, getting the resources and the skills that we need to harness that power, and then ultimately creating the change that we deem necessary in our local communities. There has never been a large successful movement for change without young people."
Watch the Full Keynote Video

Nalleli Cobo | On the Frontlines of Environmental Injustice: Standing up to Urban Oil Drilling

"Over 580 thousand Angelinos live within a quarter mile of an oil or gas well...I had my childhood robbed from me. We were living on top of a bomb. My childhood drives me to create change. I know my story. And that’s what I’m going to tell. Clean air is a basic human right, and it’s not fair that it’s being denied to us."
Watch the Full Keynote Video

Julian Brave NoiseCat | Apocalypse Then & Now

"There might be ways that our humanity and our collective future can be brightened if you have it in your heart to believe that the civilizing mission was wrong, that in fact, in the long run, it’s all of you who have something to learn from all of us, that maybe America, Canada and the so-called ‘civilized’ world should become just a little bit more indigenous rather than the other way around."
Watch the Full Keynote Video

Bill McKibben | Why We Actually Need Everyone in the Climate Struggle

"It is not okay to assign saving the world to 17-year-olds as if it’s some kind of homework problem. They cannot do it themselves. They need the rest of us backing them up. In particular, they need those of us above the age of 60."
Watch the Full Keynote Video

Manuel Pastor | Solidarity Economics: Mutuality, Movements and Momentum

“I would argue there is no going back to what we had before. People often use the word ‘recovery,’ but why would we want to go back to a normal that did not work for so many, with so many crowded into jobs that were high-risk and low pay, with so many left without a social safety net, with so many subject to racist policing, racist education, and even racist environmental conditions in terms of climate inequities?”
Watch the Full Keynote Video

Alexia Leclercq | Climate Justice Must Be Social Justice for All

"Social justice is climate justice because the root cause is the same. If we don't center social justice in the fight for climate justice, we won't get anywhere."
Watch the Full Keynote Video
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