Wednesday, May 31, 2023


Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, BLACK POWER MEDIA does REVOLUTIONARY BLACKOUT.  I try to note it here at 2:00 pm EST.  Last week, on Thursday, I didn't hit publish.  I was on the phone with a friend and their program had just done a segment on Tina Turner's passing and I ended up putting that up at 1:30 pm (when I don't usually post anything) and I didn't realize BPM hadn't been posted until that evening so it went up at 8:00 or 9:00 pm.  Some people didn't see it and so e-mails came in Friday and now again today because I didn't post REVOLUTIONARY BLACKOUT today.

On Thursday, it did get posted, just several hours later than usual.  


I'm not posting it.  That's nothing to do with BPM.  I'm not posting because I can't.  Not from YOUTUBE.

Click here and you're going to the YOUTUBE page for it.  Right now, it says the same thing it said this afternoon:

! Video unavailable

This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds

Usually, but not always, that message means that a video has a song in it that's  being blocked.

That may be what the deal is.  I don't know.  But I'm not ignoring them or refusing to post them.

This may be the show (the stream works) but that's via Twitter.