Friday, June 02, 2023

NEW courses from Bioneers Learning!



Hi Bioneer,

We’re excited to announce new courses launching in our Bioneers Learning platform today! The courses below reflect the full lineup of course offerings available through the end of 2023. Register now and join our incredible faculty in these opportunities for growth and transformation. 
As we face so much accelerated and multi-faceted change, we are each called to serve what we love and want to protect from the deepest parts of our being.

Sacred activism speaks to what inspires, guides and resources us to serve life, while integrating deep listening, collaboration and restoration. It goes to the root of cultivating regenerative change. Although our society has long polarized the sacred and activism as binaries, this emergent field may be what is most needed for cultivating personal and collective relational leadership.
Design thinking is a process for creative problem-solving.

This course provides practical training for leaders in any field to learn how to apply the design thinking process individually and with their teams to systematically build innovation into their problem-solving approaches. It is also useful for anyone looking to bring transformative change to their wellbeing or career, or to their chosen cause. Business leaders, environmentalists, activists, and wellness champions will find this course relevant.
What are the most effective wellbeing practices and supports for this time of upheaval and uncertainty?

Join us in an experiential session in which you will be lovingly guided through mindful and creative practices designed to help you slow down, heal and collectively receive your greatest wisdoms.
"The Rights of Nature: Drafting, Adopting, and Enforcing Rights of Nature Laws in Cities, Towns, and Counties" will provide attendees a full background on the emerging “rights of nature” movement in the United States and internationally; prepare them to engage in their own communities to develop, adopt, and enforce local rights of nature laws; and address frequently asked questions.

The course will also include an overview of how indigenous communities are adopting and enforcing rights of nature laws. We will feature guest presenters, including key organizers in Ecuador and tribal attorneys in the U.S.
We’re beginning to understand what poets and artists have known forever: emotions are possibly our greatest source of instincts, intelligence, and energy — and they’re vital for thinking, healing, decision-making, learning, loving, and understanding others.

In this course, you can join us for a grounded and surprising exploration of the healing genius in your emotional realm.
Become a Bioneers Learning Insider, and you’ll be the first to know when new courses launch, plus receive discounted registration rates!
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