Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Rebellion Report w/Rosa Clemente


I will be damned if I'm silent while racist Jill Stein and her White folk attack Cornel West.  The White Karens are out and they're all over YOUTUBE.  I'm not voting for Cornel, I'm voting for Kamala.  But I'll be damned if some racist and useless Karen like Jill Stein -- a crazy 'doctor' who told patients not to get vaccines in the '00s -- is going to rip apart Cornel.  Rosa, for the White Karens out there, is  a Green and was the 2008 vice presidential Green Party candidate.  White Karens never know their history and that's how Jill's able to lead them and manipulate them.  Shame on anyone who falls for Jill Stein's attacks on Cornel West.

At what point does White America finally grasp that Jill Stein's attacking Cornel and Kamala.  But not Junior.  Not Trump.  I'm getting real tired of White YOUTUBERS treating Jill as the norm and  all the people of color as the 'other.'

We're doing a roundtable for the gina & krista round-robin right now or I'd write about this right now.  But I'm sick of it and it is racism.  To let this White woman attack the people of color while ignoring Robert Junior and Donald.  I just want to scream.  On the left we should be damn smarter than this and should grasp that a Queen Bee like Jill Stein is not anyone to follow.