Let's start with Julianne Moore. She's an actress who's been nominated for every major film and TV acting award. A multi-Academy Award nominees, she's won one for Best Actress, a BAFTA, two Emmys and three Golden Globes. She's also a children's book author. On INSTAGRAM today, she noted the following:
is a great shock for me to learn that my first book, Freckleface
Strawberry, has been banned by the Trump Administration from schools run
by the Department of Defense. Freckleface Strawberry is a
semi-autobiographical story about a seven year old girl who dislikes her
freckles but eventually learns to live with them when she realizes that
she is different “just like everybody else.” It is a book I wrote for
my children and for other kids to remind them that we all struggle, but
are united by our humanity and our community.
I am particularly stunned because I am a proud graduate of Frankfurt American High School a #DOD school that once operated in Frankfurt, Germany. I grew up with a father who is a Vietnam veteran and spent his career in the #USArmy.
I could not be prouder of him and his service to our country. It is
galling for me to realize that kids like me, growing up with a parent in
the service and attending a @dodea_edu
school will not have access to a book written by someone whose life
experience is so similar to their own. And I can’t help but wonder what
is so controversial about this picture book that cause it to be banned
by the US Government. I am truly saddened and never thought I would see
this in a country where freedom of speech and expression is a
constitutional right. Thank you to @penamerica for bringing this to my attention. #FAHS #frecklefacestrawberry @uyenloseordraw @thebookgrp
We do not link to Twitter due to Alien Musk. I know Mark Zuckerberg's only a little better so if you have a problem let me know (common_ills@yahoo.com) and I won't link to INSTAGRAM again. I don't think it really matters because it's over for Zuck. His actions have embarrassed the board. It's also brought attention to his failure with META. META was supposed to add energy and appeal to the company but didn't. Right now, the board's asking Zuck to define the future of the company. And he can't. As has been pointed out to several of them, FACEBOOK WATCH cost billions, bombed and is now no more. How do you waste over a billion dollars on programming and have nothing to show for it?
Even QUIBI -- a notorious failure that didn't even last a year-- managed to sell off its library to ROKU for a hundred million dollars.
Zuck had one idea -- how to be sexist online -- that he then morphed into FACEBOOK which peaked about ten years ago. A company grows or it fails. FACEBOOK is failing and going the way of MySpace. And, sadly, people are laughing at HORIZON WORLD.
Zuck got in bed with Chump. It's not working out for him.
As for Julianne's book, how appalling and how telling. Chump wouldn't know art if it banged him in the anus. For more on that, see Kat's "Draft Dodger Chump cozies up to draft dodger Lee Greenwood."
Sol Breauz is a fake ass on BLUESKY. Why does it matter when DSA-ers hide in political closets? It lets them attack actual Democrats. Hakeem is under attack from the DSA. You can tolerate that or you can call the liars out. I have no problem with pressure on Hakeem. I do have a problem with lies and liars. "He supports genocide!" No, he doesn't. Stop your lying. You don't like how he votes so you lie about him. You don't like that he's a Democrat so you alter a clip to make it sound like he said something he didn't say and toss that onto your lying trash YOUTUBE program.
These closet cases reveal themselves if you pay attention.
And right now, when we need to be fighting back if we're able (again, if you need time, take all you need, as long as you need), we can't trust the liars who worked to defeat Kamala and put Chump back in office. Amy Goodman, we can't afford you. Rashida Tlaib, we can't afford you. And all the other non-Democrats who worked to defeat Kamala, we can't afford you.
We can't afford you and we don't trust you.
Most of you closet cases are idiots anyway.
There was one idiot on BLUESKY this weekend praising Chris Hedges.
They really are that stupid.
Chris Hedges ripped off everyone. THE NEW REPUBLIC exposed his long, long pattern of plagiarism and despite efforts to 'clean up' his WIKIPEDIA entry, lying that THE NEW REPUBLIC didn't stand by the report or the reporter is disproven if anyone bothers to click on the actual link still in the WIKIPEDIA entry.
Chris Hedges lied about Cornel West's campaign -- reporting on the People's Party candidate without ever reporting that he was the one who secured the nomination for Cornel and he was supposed to be Cornel's running mate until Chris' wife put her foot down. Those are pretty big lies and they are part of the lies that got him dropped from the REAL NEWS NETWORK. You can't be part of someone's campaign, drop out, then cover it without disclosing your own involvement.
Chris' lying fan base does allow this on his WIKIPEDIA pages:
Hedges wrote a November 8, 2001 Times cover story about two former Iraqi military commanders who claimed to have trained foreign mujahedeen how to hijack planes[35] and destroy vital American infrastructure.
That's impressive . . . until you read Jack Fairweather's 2006 piece at MOTHER JONES dismantling the lies in that piece -- a piece that Chris doesn't apologize for -- despite the lies that falsely linked Iraq to 9/11 at a time when Bully Boy Bush was lying to start a war with Iraq.
Again, fools.
You have to be a damn fool to be presented with the reality of Chirssy Lynn Hedges -- Socialist liar -- and think he's someone to trust.
Iraqis are dead because of Chris Hedges' 'reporting.' We called out Judith Miller for much less. Chris does not take accountability and his fans ignore or don't know about it. But they rush to cheer on his never ending attacks on the Democratic Party.
I'll never forget the embarrassing e-mail from Chirssy Lynn when I dared to point out that his really awful book seemed to think the worst thing in the world was 50 SHADES OF GRAY "Chris Hedges' AMERICA: THE FAREWELL TOUR bids adieu before the bags are even packed" and noted the reality that he was a prig. Today, I wouldn't be so kind, I'd call him a prissy prig. And I'd hit on his marriage because that disaster is a whole other story.
At any rate, these are the fools with deal with. They use their soapboxes to attack Democrats and to defeat Democrats.
We can't afford them right now. Right now, if you're able to work to save the country, that means pressuring Democrats in government to do everything they can and that means electing Democrats to give them control of at least one house of Congress, hopefully both, in the 2026 mid-terms.
That's what we need now.
We don't need the Jill Stein lovin' Chris Hedges. (He stabbed Cornel in the back to support Jill. That's the 'loyalty' of Chris Hedges.) We can't afford him. He and his kind have helped destroy the country and want to destroy it further (that is their political aim, they are the other side of the Chump coin).
In reality, where most of us live, there are real issues and real needs.
Again, you're a fool if you're listening and applauding those like Chris Hedges who put Chump back into the White House.
The following sites -- let me stop a moment. I do not think I can cover everything. If someone helped elect Chump, they don't belong on the blogroll. Thank you to community member Susan for steering me to someone's nonsense re: Kamala. Can't afford him. He's gone. The following sites updated: