Thursday, July 21, 2005

Join Randi Rhodes for NYC Town Hall Meeting, Saturday July 23rd 2 to 4 p.m. (free admission)

Eddie e-mails asking that we help get the word out on an event posted at Randi Rhodes site:

Torture & Lies: Who is Accountable?

From Abu Ghraib to the Downing Street Minues

This Saturday from 2-4 pm join:
-Randi Rhodes
-Congressman Maurice Hinchey
- Former Congresswoman Liz Holtzman
- President of Bob Fertik

Discussions to include:

- Karl Rove/TraitorGate
- The Downing Street Minutes
- How to be heard in Washington
- Getting involved in your community, etc.

When: Saturday, 7/23 from 2-4 pm
Where: New York Society for Ethical Culture, 2 West 64th St., NYC
Admission: Free!

More info on the NYC event Events near you Host your own meeting

I'm sure this goes without saying but Randi Rhodes is the host of The Randi Rhodes Show which broadcasts Monday through Friday on Air America. (And Laura Flanders is back on The Laura Flanders Show this weekend, by the way.) We'll note this again Friday and Saturday morning at Eddie's request. If you're in the area, please consider attending. If you're not in the area but know someone who is, pass on the news. And if you're not in the area and know no one in the area, it's still worth noting because people haven't given up on this and those who haven't deserve credit.

The e-mail address for this site is