Saturday, December 02, 2017

In other words, Democrats were ready to shove us under a smaller bus (Margaret Kimberley)

Some Tweets from journalist Margaret Kimberley:

  • In other words, democrats were ready to shove us under a smaller bus. Wheels wouldn’t hurt so much. Thanks Schumer. You confirmed the righteousness of my hatred for the democrats.
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    Never let "journalists" into your house!
  • I'm going to make a list of every black person who promotes this prince engaged to colored girl story. I'm coming for you all (rhetorically.)
  • Maybe and should look into this story about Nemtsov and teen strippers. Then again, maybe they shouldn't. If they name a street for him and turns out to be true? How delicious would that be? This is where gets you. Ha!
  • all colluded with Obama and Clinton to destroy
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    Why indeed! I don't get the fascination with royal parasites...
  • I have a better question. Why does anyone care?
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    Replying to 
    It is like how , HillaryClintin and Saudi Arabia destroyed Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, etc
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    All I know is if runs again ( especially with ), I will vote green again... and again... and again.
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    You’re the disgrace, you fucking piece of shit. You voted to deregulate payday lenders, and then voted down the Sanders amendment to protect social security—bcz “we need entitlement reform.” People like you are the reason the French invented the guillotine
  •   Retweeted
    This X100 'They ain't opposing shit. They are doing the bare minimum to appear to be doing so.'
  •   Retweeted
    This x1000 “journalists” are in all of this. Complicit = Non Partisan, just ask and .
  • Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama destroyed . All the horror stories of slavery, organ harvesting, and lynching resulted from their regime change scheme. But no one in corporate media have asked them about it. Neither one is shy. Do your job “journalists.”
  •   Retweeted
    White Helmets, ‘Local Councils’ – Is the UK FCO Financing Terrorism in Syria with Taxpayer Funds? via
  • How to relax during the weekend? Read the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) blog.
  • The “wackiest” thing Jill Stein ever did was agree to talk to . Nothing but a punching left hit piece. Awful.
  •   Retweeted
    New on MoA: Flynn's Devastating Confessions: Trump Colluded With Israel, Tried To Fulfill Campaign Promises
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    Syria successfully shot down several of the incoming missiles
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    😂 Oops! and carry water for and . The Dems and media won’t want to look at that!
  •   Retweeted
    How exactly does Donald Trump's impending visit go against "British values"? The idea that Britain is some kind of moral and benevolent power that stands against racism and bigotry is a total contradiction.
  •   Retweeted
    Bruce Dixon asks Are US Blacks An Internal Colony? Or Is That Just Analysis By Analogy?
  • Please don’t send me stories about missing teens in South Africa. I’m in U.S. so I can’t help. BTW little girl missing supposedly in Houston was actually in Nigeria and was rescued in 2016. Please do a quick search before sending missing kid stories. Thanks.
  •   Retweeted
    Black Agenda Report's Danny Haiphong on why we can Thank CNN for the Slave Auctions in Libya
  • I can’t believe I agree with John McCain. Only could cause that to happen.
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    "Even though you thought Hillary was a two-faced, lying, neoliberal, pro-fracking, corporatist war-hawk, who stole the primaries, you enthusiastically phone-banked for her anyway, just like you will for Kamala." -Peter Douche
  • Great analysis by on the dangerous hoax.
  •   Retweeted
    Black Agenda Report's Margaret Kimberly's latest: Freedom Rider: Contradictions of White Supremacy The fate of Blacks in the U.S. is not dependent on white liberals or white nationalists...
  •   Retweeted
    “Klendathu is attacking the Terran Federation with ‘dezinformatsiya’. Northrop Grumman can help you fight back. Would you like to know more?”
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  •   Retweeted
    It was CNN that took part in the most slanderous of lies in cooperation with the US-NATO war on Libya in 2011....
  •   Retweeted
    Rex Tillerson Blindsided By News He Still Works For State Department
  •   Retweeted
    Swiss Press Club gives floor to White Helmets’ critics, despite Reporters Without Borders pressure
  • 1. Trump’s people love him no matter what he does. 2. Anyone who disapproves didn’t like him anyway. 3. Theresa May can’t vote for him so he doesn’t care. 4. This contretemps won’t hurt him at all.
  • My 2016 thread re: .