I’m f**king disgusted right now
Let's fix her now-deleted Tweet for her.
I’m f**king stupid right now
The photo broke her stupid heart when she was using it to pimp what's going on re: US immigration.
When reality was pointed out to her?
I’m f**king disgusted right now
She then deletes her Tweet because the heart breaking photo? It didn't mean a damn to her after it turned out it was children suffering in Mosul.
Guess she's just another bigot who hates Muslims.
Meanwhile US troops remain in Iraq.
The Atlantic Falcons' Ben Garland is Tweeting about the USO tour in Iraq that he's part of.
Day 3 of the USO tour. Can’t thank the men and women, who serve in our armed forces, enough. #heroes #iraq #rockets
#apachehelicopter #inbrotherhood #riseup #uso @ Erbil iraq شارع التربية https://www.instagram.com/p/BkbTp8An-uP/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=sgzquxyqyqhm …

Day 2 of the USO tour. Included C-130’s, chinooks, black hawks, turrets, body armor, Camp Taji, Q-West, Mosul, Saddam Hussein’s palaces, Erbil and the Queens Guard. #uso #riseup #iraq @… https://www.instagram.com/p/BkYnAj7HK9P/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1b3bkm1zv026r …
Ben Garland Retweeted
Day 1 of the USO tour to Iraq. Honored to have the opportunity to thank our Troops downrange. #brotherhood #RiseUp
Ben Garland Retweeted
Ben Garland Retweeted
#BeTheForce! TY to @AtlantaFalcons' @SteveCannonCEO, Dan Quinn, @alexmack51, @BenGarland63, @Matt_Bryant3, Brianna Stade, @AFC_Alexandria & Chris Millman for supporting our troops on another great USO tour! #SaluteToService
We're going to do a blind item because I'm trying to be nice but I also want to go to sleep.
Which diva has crused tottering female comic by basically ignoring her?
Tottering thought they were friends.
Diva has slammed me for not rejecting Roseanne Barr.
I won't reject Roseanne. I don't believe she's racist. I do believe she made a bad joke. Were she a man, her show would still be on the air. I love Roseanne, she's worthy of love.
I don't owe Roseanne anything but friendship -- unlike Diva who wouldn't have a career were it not for Bill Cosby. Diva's career was in the gutter and Bill Cosby rescued her. But, despite her addiction to Twitter, she couldn't Tweet even one kind word about Bill in the last years.
Tottering should realize that.
She should also know that while Diva's 'it's really love' cover stories have been mocked for decades -- her showing up with a new man and a new life and it's love this time!!! Those stories? If she hadn't been pimping those to stay in the headlines, she would have been pimping her 'I've finally got a real girlfriend who I can talk to and be myself with!' stories (non-sexual girlfriend, to be clear). I'm sure one cover story would have been with Kate Jackson. The same great friend who hasn't been able to get her on the phone in over two decades.
Likewise, when Winona Ryder had her legal problems, Diva bailed on her too.
Tottering comic should realize that being phased out is what happens to most of Diva's friends. If you ever make the mistake of actually needing her, you'll be phased out.
The only reason Diva speaks to me is because I don't need anything from her and never have. Whereas when she hits hard spots from time to time, I'm the first she hits up for money. Tottering, you're better off without her. Focus on your real friends and your career and consider it freeing to be done with her.
The e-mail address for this site is common_ills@yahoo.com.