- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- No more tweets from you @Ocasio2018. Leave that to someone experienced who believes in your platform. Do you really need validation from the likes of Glenn Beck? Is this just inexperience or a real political problem? #ocasiocortez
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedMore evidence that if you don't challenge the missteps of iconic progressives you'll never get them to change. Credit to @freedomrideblog and @davidcnswanson and good for Ocasio listening and acting...
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- Thanks to @davidcnswanson and everyone who asked @Ocasio2018 about the disappearance of the Peace Economy platform from her website. It is back and I'm betting that it is because she was asked about it. #ocasiocortez https://ocasio2018.com/issues
- Peace Economy platform is back on the @Ocasio2018 website. #OcasioCortez https://ocasio2018.com/issues
- “The notion that someone will secretly plan to work for peace while going silent or pretending to favor war until they are elected has very few examples to support it and thousands going against it.” @davidcnswanson
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedMOD database lists 342 cases of alleged violations of int'l humanitarian law by its coalition bombing Yemen. Which it allows to be investigated by Saudis themselves. Such involvement in war crimes is unthinkable in a democracy but not in authoritarian UK. https://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/written-questions-answers-statements/written-question/Commons/2018-06-20/155906/ …
- Cruel because racist. #AmericaIn3Words
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedNY Times reverting to the 19th century voice of ultra-imperialism explains the danger of the summit with Putin: "Trump has signaled his desire to withdraw American troops from Syria, a move that would leave the country more firmly in the hands of President Bashar al-Assad"
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- Why do I love social media? Because I had never heard of @JenAshleyWright until about 15 minutes ago. Now I can laugh at her clueless white privilege. And I congratulate the person who sent the clap back of clap backs.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedJennifer, Hon...please take a seat on the couch.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedSo now we see the latest move against the Green Party and our campaign. First loop us in as part of some grand Russia conspiracy and now suggest that it was our run that was responsible for Trump - a slick move by democrats. Reality is democrats & corporate media created Trump.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedI will never apologize for giving the people a democrat choice outside of the two capitalist war parties. The problem with the U.S. is that it is not a democracy. The fight is for real democracy and people(s)-centered human rights. I am proud of role I played in 2016 election.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedI mean, this is from 2006: "The Bush Administration has been quietly nurturing individuals and parties opposed to the Syrian government in an effort to undermine the regime of President Bashar Assad."
- I guess Shane Bauer missed the whole “Assad must go” craze started by Obama. https://twitter.com/shane_bauer/status/1012056401575804928 …This Tweet is unavailable.
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedThe "intelligence community" concluded no such thing. A few agents, hand selected by Clapper, wrote up suggestions but provided zero evidence.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedMakes me think the term “killjoy” came from someone who found- joy in killing. Being political mature is essential & thank you
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedSaudi Arabia bombed a bus full of innocents fleeing the war-torn port of Hodeidah in Yemen, killing at least 9 civilians and wounding 11 more. If this had been done by Assad or Putin, it’d be plastered across every single outlet of the mainstream media.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedAfter a 82-24 vote at the #OPCW the people who certified Iraq's 'WMDs' will now be able to have their accusations over chemical weapons rubber stamped; just as the UK-US funded #WhiteHelmets plan another false flag CW event in #Syria.
- .@Delta #deltaflight4527 How do you allow this flight attendant to kick 4 people off of a plane and leave them stranded? What are going to do about this? WATCH: ‘Irrational’ Flight Attendant ‘Unfairly’ Kicks 4 People Off Plane https://heavy.com/news/2018/06/delta-flight-attendant-video-deejay-reborn/ … via @heavysan
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedI don't know who @chrislhayes is. But he is obviously not bright.
- Manafort's indictment has nothing to do with Russian government. But what do I know. I'm not on MSDNC.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedReality Winner bravely and ridiculously leaking nonsense non-evidence of nothing, and the reporter immediately accidentally blowing her cover is all exemplary of a stagger level of incompetence holding back actual resistance to fascism.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedIt's revealing that MoveOn, et al. are not escalating their demand to amnesty, or even to a moratorium on detention & deportation, after a "federal judge ruled against Trump's #familyseparation policy." https://www.aclu.org/news/federal-court-orders-reunification-thousands-parents-and-children-torn-apart-trump-family … https://act.moveon.org/event/families-belong-together/search/ … #FamiliesBelongTogether