Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
"I know of no other country where an asylee is held with no sunlight, no exercise, no visitors, no computer, no phone calls; this is happening in the heart of London, to an innocent man..."—Nobel Peace laureate Mairead Maguire
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
This must be why you dropped 26,171 bombs on 7 different countries in a single year alone, killing and displacing thousands of men, women and children.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
“Would be nice if Laura Bush and Michelle Obama had expressed similar heartfelt concern for the tens of thousands of children killed or seriously maimed by the wars of their husbands in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere.”
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Would be nice if Laura Bush and Michelle Obama had expressed similar heartfelt concern for the tens of thousands of children killed or seriously maimed by the wars of their husbands in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. -R
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
My latest report on the liberal hypocrisy on zero-tolerance. If you were silent under Obama's practices, you have no right to speak out now.
Children should not be sanctioned to death in their hundreds of thousands either like you did in Iraq Bill. So save us the crocodile tears.
A main street in Syria’s Aleppo before and after the liberation of the city from McCain’s jihadist buddies.
Hillary Clinton admitted that Saudi Arabia has exported more extreme ideology than any other place on earth. Yet, this didn’t stop her from taking tens of millions of dollars from this barbaric & misogynistic regime while prancing around like some sort of women’s rights champion.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
The Supreme Court just ruled the government's decades-old practice of warrantlessly tracking your historical movements via cellphone records (CSLI) has in many cases violated the constitutional right to privacy. Major victory for @ACLU ― and America. #GetAWarrant #Carpenter
And for all this death and destruction, along with open slave markets run by jihadists, we have Obama, Hillary & McCain to thank. The very same people now crying oceans of crocodile tears for refugees & immigrant children.
Such faux humanitarianism is nothing less than obscene.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
“Freedom” at the price of 500,000 dead Iraqi children and “disgusting Serbs” (sic). NATO think tank Atlantic Council certainly awards the most suitable candidates like Ms Albright. …
The man who deported more immigrants than any other US President, drone-bombed children and armed jihadists terrorizing innocents in Syria and Libya with billions of dollars in advanced weaponry, is actually trying to play the moral superman over “ripping families apart”? Please.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
The United States, which illegally occupies Syrian territory nearly 6,000 miles away, is warning Syria not to conduct military operations against ISIS and al-Qaeda within its own borders! ... Yes, you read that right: …
Syria’s Aleppo, now free of terrorism, is returning to normal life everyday: Syrian children of the St. Francis Church can peacefully enjoy their time at summer camp again.
No tears from Rachel Maddow though for the millions of babies and children in Yemen being bombed, besieged and starved to death by Saudi Arabia with the full support of her government.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
The Crooner is SUCH a hypocrite. And as for the idiots who idolise him...
But the thousands of children on the other side of hellfire missiles from Obama’s Predator drones were not worthy of love apparently.
Hillary Clinton had her hands in the toppling of governments in Honduras, Libya and Ukraine and the intervention that has ravaged Syria, forcing millions of people to flee from their homes.
Her “concern” for refugees couldn’t be any faker.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Over 5.6 million refugees from #Syria have been forced to flee their homes. On #WorldRefugeeDay, we must address the causes driving people from their homes, and end ongoing US regime change wars around the world that have caused grave devastation, death, suffering, & refugees.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
#Syriac Orthodox Patriarch Aphrem II reinforces, during an event marking 103rd anniversary of Seyfo Genocide, that the Syriac Christian community will stay in Syria and not be forced out: “We Will Remain in Syria, We Will Defend it and Defeat Terrorism.” …
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
If we’re keeping it
, you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone with a clearer “lack of empathy” towards refugees than John McCain—a man who has supported wars on Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen that have created MILLIONS of refugees worldwide.

It’s beyond absurd that a warmonger who had a heavy hand in the destructions of Yugoslavia and Iraq is now concerned about “fostering hate”.
Fostering illegal wars that kill and displace countless innocents though? Perfectly okay in Maddie’s book.
“It is extraordinary that a country which historically claimed to be the champion of free speech seeks political persecution against an editor who published information of enormous public interest.”
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Where were all the "humanitarian" protesters and celebrities when Obama destroyed Libya, armed extremist terrorists in Syria, and armed Saudi Arabia to commit genocide in Yemen?
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Where were all the "humanitarian" protesters and celebrities when Obama deported 2.4Million immigrants - more than any U.S. President in history?
How about Saudi Arabia, Nikki? Or did you conveniently forget that your tyrannical ally is committing genocide in Yemen with the full backing of your government? 

Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
No. The stats aren't wrong, nor are the numbers, nor the President at fault. The August 1999 United Nations Children Emergency Fund Survey found that 500,000+ Iraqi children were starved to death by the Clinton regime.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
“Hillary Clinton was responsible for putting two million Libyan children out of school when she lobbied instrumentally for the overthrow of the Gaddafi leadership in Libya in 2011.”