- Old story from 20 years ago. He said it in GQ interview. You should be able to find it.
- “the entire story of a Russian plot to extract Julian from the Embassy last Christmas Eve is a complete and utter fabrication.” Craig Murray @CraigMurrayOrg
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedRegardless of your opinion about Trump, we should be deeply troubled by the strange opposition of democrats to declassifying documents from Russia probe. Why can't the public see the documents and draw their own conclusions? Isn't transparency a democratic value? Something stinks
- .@AbetterVADOC Are you aware of this policy that requires menstruating visitors to only wear pads? Is this confirmed? If so, how will it impact your staff?
- .@VADOC Can you confirm the authenticity of this document? The only way to enforce this policy is to do a cavity search of all female visitors. Will you do this?
- #TigerWoods made a name for himself not just by winning at golf. He repeatedly told black men dick jokes to a white reporter. And I'm not turning in my black card. I have the super duper platinum version.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedHelp push this phone zap regarding the "no pads" allowed for VA women visitors of prisoners. Show your outrage! Stop this discriminatory prison policy before it goes viral @JailLawSpeak
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedDo not forget the role Amnesty played in the libya attack
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedI just renewed my membership in the National Writers Union @paythewriter It is important to #PaytheWriter!! You can't believe how much effort goes into chasing the pittance that is usually paid to writers. #freelanceWriter #writers #journalists
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedFreelancers: are you currently owed money by Outside? Our members are asking us to help them get paid. Get in touch with us if you are owed, too. DMs are open. And please help signal boost this. #FreelanceLife
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedNot the only point. @amnesty "report" is bogus. It's a 2 pages PDF without a single source reference and the word "supposed" in the sentence "2,292 supposed extrajudicial executions from 2015 to 2017" which comes from NOWHERE. Here the PDF: https://www.es.amnesty.org/uploads/media/180910_Esto_no_es_vida_datos_y_cifras.pdf …
- #AmnestyInternational lies about Venezuela. As always their goal is to support imperialist intervention.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedOn this Labor Day, I can't help but think of @paythewriter and the important work of organizing creatives so we're paid what we're owed.
Solidarity is more than a five syllable word.
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedResponding to right-wing Israelis attack on him, #TwitterLockout shut down Richard Silverstein's (@richards1052) twitter account for having condemned #Israeli settlers for regularly killing #Palestinians. Retweet to join me in complaining to @TwitterSupport about this outrage.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedThis article by Scott Shane and Mark Mazzetti (I couldn't even finish reading it!) was a perfect example of Yellow Journalism---to be studied for decades to come!
- You could slog through 10,000 words of NY Times nonsense or you could just read @unjoe in @Consortiumnews An excellent take down of the Russiagate hoax