Thursday, August 12, 2021

UN IPCC Report and the Problem With Capitalism, Revolutionary Socialist Review, August 12, 2021


UN IPCC Report and the Problem With Capitalism Revolutionary Socialist Review, August 12, 2021 1. UN IPCC report on Monday, more to come; 2. Climate collapse will create the next wave of colonial genocide, August 8, 2021; 3. Calling Sanctions by Their Name: Rania Khalek on US Mideast Genocide, Critics of sanctions argue that they are a blatant breach of international law and that they are a new form of economic warfare, by Mnar Adley in MintPressNews; 4. Bolivia coup’s defeat foreshadows defeat of U.S. empire, August 10, 2021; 5. Struggle makes the difference. An on the ground account of Cori Bush-led sit-in, by Benjamin Zinevich and Michael Bearman in "Liberation," August 6, 2021; 6. Latin American terror, & the looming U.S. bloodshed campaign, August 6, 2021; 7. Today’s elevated anti-communism by those on the right and the left is rooted in the century-old global socialist split. It is still molding and thwarting working class struggles. July 21 2021, New Yorker magazine They All Sang the Internationale by David Rovics is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. "global warming" by alandberning is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0