Monday, June 20, 2022

Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "YOUTUBE Loves Hosting Registered Sex Offenders"



Isaiah's latest THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "YOUTUBE Loves Hosting Registered Sex Offenders."  Convicted pedophile and registered sex offender Scott Ritter wears a t-shirt which reads "Creepy Creepin" while declaring, "I want to thank my friends at THE CONVO COUCH and Jimmy Dore and little Jackie Hinkle.  They looked at me and saw someone just like them.  They didn't judge me for being a convicted pedophile or a registered sex offender.  Now I have my own YOUTUBE show so, girls, hit me up."  The remarks excite FAMILY GUY's Herbert who tells his dog, "See there, Jesse, Jimmy Dore is our kind of people."    Isaiah archives his comics at THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS.