Saturday, December 28, 2019

Some Tweets from Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson is seeking the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.

  • Looking forward to visiting Washington, DC on New Year’s Day. The event begins at 2pmET and a livestream will be available at 3pmET. Tickets for both are available at
  • The difference between race-based policies and reparations is this: race-based policies give financial remuneration, but only reparations carries an inherent mea culpa - an acknowledgment of a wrong that was done, a debt that is owed, and the willingness of a generation to pay it
  • “She inspires society to have a better vision of itself...” - Mayor Ed Malloy of Fairfield, Iowa
  • We need a US Department of Children and Youth in order to coordinate the efforts needed to provide adequate responses to the unbelievable vulnerabilities & challenges of our kids today. America has the professionals who know what to do to solve all this. I will put them to work!
  • We need trauma-informed education, community wrap-around services, anti-bullying, mental health services, mindfulness in schools. Every school should be a palace of learning, culture and the arts. The best way to serve America's future is by better serving our children today.
  • Millions of children live with chronic trauma, and we should rescue them no differently than if they were victims of a natural disaster. Their despair has been normalized by the political establishment. but not by me. We need a massive realignment of investment in America's kids.
  • Elementary students on suicide watch. Public schools with "trauma rooms." Teachers having to deal with students who have overwhelming behavioral problems on a daily basis. Millions of children with severe PTSD just from living in their neighborhoods. America, we have a problem.
  • Said it then, still mean it now.
  • Just changing policy won’t be enough if we don’t change our thinking. And changing our thinking won’t be enough if we don’t change our policies. Making ourselves conduits of change on both levels: that’s the political sweet spot for 2020.
  • 2020 will be the year of integrative politics, where we recognize that a change in our hearts is as important as changes in our policy. If we’re serious about wanting to change the world, we must go about changing things on both levels.
  • The power of imagination should be harnessed for the purposes of our collective good. Have we stopped even imagining a society that works for everyone? It’s a good time of year to spend resting our brains & realigning our hearts, a needed recalibration for the job that lies ahead
  • It simply should not be legal for huge corporate entities to make a profit on behavior they know will harm or even kill. The American people have been trained to expect too little, to ask for too little. It’s our learned helplessness that needs to end.
  • When will Americans be ready to throw off the yoke of corporate tyranny? Corporations should stay in their lane, making people & planet as important as profit; capitalism should have a conscience & operate ethically. Those changes should not be voluntary; they should be demanded
  • The 2017 $2T tax cut was nothing but theft and they knew it at the time - not an economic stimulus for anyone but a tiny per cent of the population. We should repeal it, put back in the middle class tax cut, and get about the business of giving this country back to its citizens.
  • Why strive for peace? So millions of people will be less likely to die horrible, violent deaths...that's why. The glamorization of brute force has lured too many away from a healthy realization and responsible reaction to the horrible consequences of war.
  • Rugged individualism is a good thing, a core American value that leads many people to actualize their dreams. But over the last few decades rugged individualism has too often become rugged narcissism. Our goal should be to soar AND do everything possible to help others soar too.
  • It his first Inaugural, Pres. Franklin Roosevelt said “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” For us too, the biggest obstructions to moving forward are inside us. Surrender cynicism, anger and fear – and we’re ready to go. We have a society to re-create together in 2020
  • During Christmas and New Year’s is a good time to envision what you want for the coming year. Envision our democracy restored. Envision waters, earth and sky returned to health. Envision a peaceful revolution course-correcting our society. Envision the world on the road to peace.