Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Some Tweets from Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson is seeking the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.

  • The star of Christmas is the idea that something new can be born even in a time of overwhelming darkness. If enough of us today consider that possibility, the world itself will have a chance to start over. Wishing peace and happiness to all the people on earth.
  • The current president is like an opportunistic infection. His presidency couldn’t have happened had there not been a societally weakened immune system. Each citizen should think of ourselves as a cell in an immune system that needs to start functioning in a much more optimal way.
  • Being anti-slavery simply meant you didn’t agree with slavery; being an abolitionist meant you’d crossed a bridge inside yourself, from “I don’t agree” to “Not on my watch.” Which are you in relation to a corporate aristocracy that has corrupted our govt and eroded our democracy?
  • Loving our children, funding their care...
  • When we make it a national goal that every public school be a palace of learning, culture and the arts, we will be taking the single greatest step toward the development of a prosperous economy over the next 20 years.
  • We need to change from being econotarians to being humanitarians, from measuring humanity’s progress in economic terms to measuring humanity’s progress in terms of happiness. When we do, we will automatically make public policy decisions based on what most helps people thrive.
  • I'm speaking in Los Angeles on Monday, December 23rd, 7:30pm about A Season of Hope: Giving Birth to a New America. to open. Saban Theatre. Live event is free. Livestream also available. Live and livestream here:
  • Ram Dass passed from earth a few hours ago. How perfect that he left this plane on the first night of the Festival of Lights. “Be Here Now” shifted my world when I was young, as it did for millions of others. Praise & thanks to a huge & radiant soul. May he be forever blessed.
  • Tonight is the first night of Hanukkah, the symbolic and ritualistic remembrance that even in the darkest hour God delivers the needed light. As it was true for our ancestors may it be true for us. To Jews everywhere - and to all who embrace the holiday’s meaning -Happy Hannukah!
  • We have to passionately & powerfully support whoever the Democratic candidate in ‘20. But right after the election - whomever wins- we need to break the chokehold of the undemocratic campaign industrial complex.Only the unfiltered voice of the people is wise enough to handle this
  • Why does this matter so much? It matters because neofascists are literally at the door, and those who paved the way for this danger are NOT necessarily those who know how best to deal with it. DNC controlling things caused a catastrophe in 2016 & it’s a slow moving car crash now.
  • What it amounts to is the modern equivalent of old time backroom deals where guys with cigars decided who the candidates would be: “Don’t let anyone but our guys get in here.” Paternalism is NOT democracy. People who think they “know best” don’t always do.
  • Whether Bennett, Harris, Castro, Booker, me or anyone else, neither $ nor polls (no transparency there!) nor DNC should be allowed to “narrow the field” before IA or NH. That’s the PURPOSE of primaries! The debates are undemocratic & should only exist if all candidates included.