Saturday, December 07, 2019

The ice is breaking—help us fight for Julian Assange

From WSWS:

The ice is breaking in the fight to defend WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange.
While Assange remains in great mortal danger, opposition to the illegal extradition effort is growing as the frame-up is being exposed before the eyes of the world. 
Dozens of doctors have signed an open letter warning that Assange may die in UK’s Belmarsh prison, where he has been detained under torturous conditions since May. A Spanish judge will interview Assange in an investigation over CIA surveillance of Assange and his lawyers. More and more people are speaking out.
Donate now
The World Socialist Web Site has fought and will continue to fight every day to secure Assange’s release and defend the democratic rights that are on the line. 
You can help. This fight requires resources. 
Donate today—as much as possible—to support the WSWS and return to Julian Assange the voice that the most powerful governments in the world are trying to take away from him. 
This is the fight of a lifetime. Join it by contributing today. 
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