Friday, March 20, 2020

Tulsi finally has the attention she always wanted

Sadly, it's negative attention but she did earn it, didn't she?

Glenn Wood@GlennWo39114711 · 52m Replying to @TulsiGabbard
I'd have preferred she endorse no one than to endorse Biden. In 60 years, she is the only candidate to whom I have ever sent money. She was the last. My money to support an anti-war candidate is now supporting a war monger. I'm done.

Her cult of love slaves -- Aaron Mate, Michael Tracey, etc -- can whore for her but they're not fooling anyone.

BLOODY HYPOCRITE LIKE ALL THE DEMOCRATS. What about ending endless wars? Tulsi Gabbard drops out of presidential race and backs ...Biden

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You've betrayed everything you claimed to stand for. This ain't it, no matter how many 'alohas' you throw in there.

Tulsi has destroyed her credibility with this political move. To publicly promote Biden after the world watched him lie to our faces at the last debate speaks to her lack of character and honor! She may never recover from this and there is no defense she can employ to explain

Joe Biden? Truly. He is the antithesis of everything that you claimed to represent. Thanks for showing us the fraud that you are. A little late, but better than never.

You know you don't have to endorse the front-runner when you get out of a race. Another path is to endorse the person you agree with because you think it's the right thing to do out of principle - even if it isn't going to help your political career!

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Well Tulsi, to be as outspoken about being anti useless war as you’ve been, this is a huge surprise and disappointment. This man and Obama embody endless wars. They did nothing to stop them or our part in them. You are officially a hypocrite.

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I've actually donated to you before. Now that you decided to back the warmonger, I want my money back.

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"Although Vice President Biden killed millions of Americans, I know he will pay me better than anyone else. What Iraq and Afghanistan war? I can't hear you over the sound of my new yacht."-

Tulsi endorsed Biden? At least now I won’t have to hear anymore about how brave and gutsy and progressive she is, right?

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You endorsed the candidate who voted for the Iraq War and said he'd veto #MedicareforAll in addition to being a demented creeper so I think I'll stick with Bernie, not a sellout liar. I hereby rescind my offer to come surfing. I'd rather surf alone than with a Biden endorser.

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You’re a let down. Playing into the game to influence the vote. JOE BIDEN? Really? I donated to your campaign. Needless to say next go around, you won’t have my support. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain. Disappointing.

The fun continues online -- click here to follow more Tweets about the lovely Tulsi.