Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Note on Ruth's Morning Edition Report

Community member Ruth will be doing Morning Edition Reports from time to time. If you missed her previous entry explaining some biographical information and why she feels it is important to monitor NPR, please check it out.

Whenever she hears something she feels is worth noting, Ruth will be offering her opinion. So that what she is commenting on can be heard by those who may have missed Morning Edition, the earliest an entry of her's would post would be in the evening during the work week. That way she can provide links. (Or if she doesn't have the time, I will hunt them down for her.)

She had wondered if she needed to do an essay or could just "jot down" something. Whatever she's fine with, I'm fine with.

Like Ruth, I feel that NPR has gotten far too many passes. This is her contribution to the community and I hope you'll enjoy it. If anyone would like to add to it with additional comments on Morning Edition or by covering another NPR program, feel free.

And remember, she's taking care of her ten-month-old grandson during the day, so she'll be doing this when she has time. (I see anytime she can share her thoughts as a gift and hope you will too.)

We're talking about a blog just for Ruth's Morning Edition Report but right now Ruth is just going to e-mail it in and we'll post it here.

The e-mail address for this site is common_ills@yahoo.com.