Thursday, August 25, 2005

Friday, Aug. 26th, 1:00 pm, protest in D.C. at CBN "News" Offices (DC Indymedia)

Wes e-mails to note Shamis' "Protest Christian Broadcasting Network's Death Threats" (DC Indymedia):

On Friday, August 26, Christian leaders and members of the faith community will conduct a public vigil and press conference to denounce Pat Robertson's call for the assassination of democratically-elected leader Hugo Chavez, and demand that Robertson and CBN apologize and that FCC investigate.

For more information, please contact Diane Shamis 845-661-3754

News Offices,
1919 M St. N.W. (corner of 20th Street),
Washington, D.C.
Date: August 26, 2005
Time: 1:00 P.M.

On his August 22 "700 Club" broadcast daily on the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) which airs in 22 nations to over one million viewers, Pat Robertson called for the assasination of democratically elected Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, delivering this message:
"If he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war...We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability."
Reverend Lennox Yearwood, leader of the Hip Hop Caucus, Steering Committee member of UP (United Progressives) for Democracy and Advisory Board member of Progressive Democrats of America, calls upon all Christian leaders, other members of the faith community and all Americans to denounce the message and the mission of Pat Robinson.
In calling for the assassination of a democractically elected leader, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, Robertson has engaged in promoting, not attacking terrorism. He is advocating unlawful and unequivocally immoral actions in direct opposition to the essence of Christian doctrine and as well as the Commandment: "Thou Shalt Not Kill."
"The comments made by Reverend Pat Robertson are shocking and appalling. No Christian should ever call for the assassination of a human being no matter what their stance. Rev. Roberts has turned the Christian Broadcasting Network into the Criminal Broadcasting Network. And the popular saying that appears on wristbands distributed by CBN, "WWJD" - that is "What Would Jesus Do" should now be "WWJA": "Who Would Jesus Assasinate." By his comments, Rev. Robertson is showing that the Christian right is neither Christian nor right and we're asking that he apologize now."
Rev. Yearwood is convening a coalition of clergy and laity concerned about the Christian Broadcasting Network and Robertson in particular, promoting of a political agenda propelled by fear not faith, under the guise of Christian ministry.
At the vigil/press conference, religious leaders and members of the faith community will publically denounce the advocacy of murder and terrorism by one of the religious right-wing's most well-known and powerful leaders. Pat Robertson, founder and chairman of the Christian Broadcasting Network was the leader of the Christian Coalition, a group which bolstered the 2000 Presidential campaign of George Bush and has provided staunch support for his 2004 Presidential election and his administration's policies.
Vigil participants are calling for an immediate and direct apoplogy by Pat Robertson and the Christian Broadcasting Network to President Chavez, to the Venezuelan people, as well as to all Americans and Christians globally. Reverend Yearwood and other members of the faith community are also calling for an investigation into whether, as a result of Robertson's remarks his FCC license should be revoked or suspended, or fines imposed upon against him and CBN. Certainly, Robertson's call for the murder of a democractically elected leader is both more obscene and offensive than the bearing of Janet Jackson's breast. Ms. Jackson's upper body exposure at a halftime show during the 2004 televised Super Bowl led to much controversy and the leveling of heavy fines.
Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou, National Coordinator, Clergy and Laity Concerned aboutIraq, who has worked to form a coalition of ministers and faith leaders committee to the power of peace and process of nonviolent political protest states, " The comments by Rev. Robertson are unbecoming of a clergyman and betray the heart of the gospel. These comments are an indication of this sad moment in America in which the religious right continues to cheapen the life and legacy of Jesus."
The press conference is a action supported by the Hip Hop Caucus, Clergy and Laity Concerned About Iraq, United for Peace and Justice, and the other members of UP (United Progressives) for Democracy coalition, including Code Pink, Progressive Democrats of America, the Liberty Tree Foundation, Global Exchange and others.
Related stories on this site:'Reverend' Robertson: Christian killer on video

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