How about we start by removing Saudi Arabia from sitting on the UN Human Rights Council?
Reminder that women's rights champion and feminist icon Hillary Clinton took tens of millions from the world's most misogynistic regimes.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Considering they're collectively responsible for the death, suffering and displacement of millions of human beings... No, not really.
Yeah. All that spying, prosecution of journalists, expansion of wars and financing of jihadists really has me nostalgic for Barry. 

Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Trumps claims Facebook colluded with Hillary.
Media laughs.
2 days later, Trump proven right. Again.
Correction: Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton, voted against a lying, cheating, corrupt and warmongering sociopath.
Obama didn't cry though while he was dropping bombs on children in 7 different countries.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Saudi Arabia is using U.S.-made weapons for war crimes in Yemen & blocking UN investigations. #StopArmingTerrorists
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
This Tweet is officially the end of any hope that anyone still had in @SenSanders. John McCain is responsible for so much death, destruction and suffering. To say he has an ounce of "integrity", let alone "courage", is immensely disgusting.
John McCain has whitewashed Saudi Arabia's barbaric misogyny for years. Now he acts like a champion of women's rights?
You took tens of millions of dollars from the very regime that denied Saudi women the right to drive for this long.
Save us the hypocrisy.
"Integrity" & "courage" are words that should never be used for a man who has spent his whole career destroying nations & harming innocents.
Putin the evil dictator, wins yet another term!!!
Oh wait... That's just Angela Merkel.
Nothing to see here.
Move along.