- My campaign is radical? — No, democracy is radical. Love is radical. The American experiment is radical. Repudiating aristocracy is an ongoing struggle, but we’ve done it before and we will do it again. Of the people. By the people. For the people. #marianne2020
- This is from my talk last night at Harvard Divinity School on the role of repentance in national politics. See link in bio. https://www.instagram.com/p/BuIO1FdABDO/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=10sk8f7fk1on4 …
- I am speaking in Exeter, New Hampshire tonight! RSVP here: https://www.marianne2020.com/event/exeter-new-hampshire … WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20 at 6:00 pm Water Street Bookstore 125 Water Street, Exeter, New Hampshire 03833
- When the Sec of State is the ex CEO of Exxon; when head of the EPA is an ex oil or chemical co exec; when head of the defense Dept. is a former Boeing exec - that is not a covert corporate takeover of the US government; it is an overt corporate takeover of the US government.
- I'm appearing in Exeter, New Hampshire tonight. Please join me! WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2019 6:00 pm 125 Water Street, Exeter, New Hampshire 03833 Water Street Bookstore
- The USA has essentially reverted to an aristocratic system, in which wealth and opportunity are mainly reserved for a very few. We repudiated aristocracy in 1776 and we need to do it again, overthrowing not only a rigged economic system but also the mindset that produces it.
- America must address our political danger. Our gov’t is handmaiden not to democracy but to corporate forces, a system of legalized bribery that leaves millions of people in chronic economic & social distress and the planet itself in peril. We need a fundamental pattern disruption
- DNC rules say that in order for me to get into the debates I will have to have 65,000 unique contributors from 20 states. Please give, even if it’s only two dollars, in order for our campaign to compete. Please spread the word!
- Elected politicians are not the only qualified leaders. The best car mechanic isn’t necessarily the best driver, or the one who knows what road you should be driving on. The 21st-century needs a new car and a new road if we are to reach a new destination.