Senator Patty Murray's office issued the following:
ABC: Washington State senator 'frustrated' residents can't get tested for new coronavirus
Spokesman-Review: ‘Way behind the 8-ball’: Sen. Murray decries COVID-19 testing lag time, shortage as virus spreads
The Stranger: Patty Murray Grills Trump Administration Over Seattle’s Coronavirus Outbreak: “This Is A Really Frightening Time”
Washington Times: Sen. Patty Murray: Lack of prep, direction on coronavirus is 'completely unacceptable'
(Washington, D.C.) – This
week, U.S. Senator Patty Murray has been working to hold the Trump
Administration accountable for its chaotic and delayed response to the
novel coronavirus and pushing to get state and local health departments
in Washington state and across the country the resources they need as
quickly as possible.
In a hearing
with public health officials, she expressed the frustration she is
hearing from people in her state unable to get tests, and she also sent
letters to Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia pressing them on how they are preparing for the spread of coronavirus and to Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar about how President Trump’s health care sabotage undermines our preparedness for outbreaks like this. Senator Murray is also pushing for a robust emergency supplemental funding package that goes far beyond President Trump’s totally inadequate request.
Excerpts of the coverage of Senator Murray’s recent efforts below.
“At a congressional hearing Tuesday reviewing the U.S. response to the COVID-19 crisis, Washington
Sen. Patty Murray expressed strong frustration to federal health
officials over what she said was a lack of testing in her home state
where at least six people have died. ‘I’m hearing from people that are
sick and want to get tested they do not know where to go,’ Murray said
in her opening statement.” [ABC News, 03/03/20]
“Food and Drug Administration officials
told Murray and other members of Congress that they are working with
private companies to catch up by developing and sending out 2,500 test
kits, each with 500 tests, by the end of the week... Murray isn’t
buying that number, however. ‘I have not seen any evidence that that is
real, nor did they provide any information to make me more secure about
that – that’s what concerns me,’ Washington’s senior senator told The Spokesman-Review.” [S-R, 03/03/20]
“Sen. Patty Murray criticized President
Donald Trump’s handling of the spreading coronavirus Tuesday morning,
using a Senate hearing to criticize the federal government’s response to
the deadly virus. ‘The administration has had
months to prepare for this and… if someone in the White House is
actually in charge of responding to this crisis it would be news to
anyone in my state,’ Murray said. ‘This is really a frightening
time. At least six people in my home state have already died from the
virus and I’m told we should expect more.’” [The Stranger, 03/03/20]
“Sen. Patty Murray, whose home state of
Washington has seen nine deaths from the virus, was similarly blunt.
‘We know there are not enough tests out there,’ she said. ‘People cannot
get access to them’ … Murray is tired of waiting. She blasted the administration’s handling of the situation, telling federal health officials Tuesday that it’s ‘unacceptable’ Americans are having trouble getting tested.” [Politico, 3/3/20]
“‘The failure to develop and
distribute working test kits to public health agencies has really cost
us valuable time,’ Murray said afterward. ‘I’m hearing from people
personally across our state who are frustrated. They believe they have
been exposed, they are sick, they want to get tested — but they have
nowhere to go.’ [Politico, 03/03/20]
“The state’s other senator, Patty
Murray, said she had been hearing from constituents who were desperately
calling ‘every number they can find’ for information, and cannot get
through. ‘I think there’s a lot of concern about honest, accurate
reflection of what is real when you have something like this happening,’
Ms. Murray said. She criticized the Trump administration’s efforts to play down the effects of the virus. ‘What
I really feel strongly about is, we do not need Mick Mulvaney telling
people don’t watch TV,’ she added, referring to remarks made by the
acting White House chief of staff. ‘We do not need the president saying
this is fear mongering.’” [NYT, 03/03/20]
“‘The most important thing we can do
right now is pass a strong emergency supplemental as quickly as
possible, so that our federal and state and local health officials have
all of the resources they need. This is truly a serious crisis, and
we cannot respond on the cheap or at the last minute,’ said Democrat
Sen. Patty Murray of Washington, whose state has had nine deaths.” [AP, 03/03/20]
“‘We need the questions to be
honest, it can't be 'well, we're going to, we're going to' – that's not
what families hear right now,’ said Sen. Patty Murray of Washington
state, the top Democrat on the Senate Health, Education Labor and
Pensions Committee. ‘They hear, 'We will not have a test for three
months, and therefore we need you to do this.' We're asking for
honesty.’” [CNN 03/30/20]
CNN Host:
“This is just coming in from
Washington, Senator from Washington Patty Murray. There’s a hearing
going on, senate hearing going on the coronavirus and Senator Murray had
some very strong words to say regarding the concern over the concern of
this virus. She said that people in the state, and these are her
words, are ‘I’m hearing from people who are sick. Who want to get
tested, are being told, or not being told where to go. I’m hearing that
even when people get tested, and it is very few so far, that results are
taking way longer to get back to them. It is unacceptable that people
in my state and nationwide can't even get an answer as to whether or not
they are infected.’ She says folks are really scared. Is that what is
King County Executive Dow Constantine:
“I talked with Senator Murray yesterday and she's doing great work for us in Washington, D.C. on this.” [CNN, 03/03/03]
See below for a full round up of coverage.
TV and Radio Coverage
“Senator Patty Murray is leading the fight to get more federal funding to battle the Coronavirus” [KING, 03/03/20]
“After an inadequate supplemental
funding request from the Trump Administration, Senator Murray is now
pushing for sufficient emergency federal funds to combat the virus” [Q13, 03/03/20]
“Senator Murray also touched on the
fact that she doesn’t feel the Trump Administration understands the
seriousness of this outbreak” [KIRO, 03/03/20]
“Senator Patty Murray focused on the availability of tests in our area to diagnose COVID-19” [KOMO, 03/03/20]
“Senator Murray says she fears low-income workers and those without health insurance will keep working even when they’re sick” [KOIN, 03/03/20]
“At the hearing, Senator Murray said
that if someone one in the White House is actually in charge of
responding to this crisis it would quote, ‘be news to anyone in
Washington state’” [KAPP, 03/03/20]
“Senator Murray is the top Democrat on
the [health] committee, and showed that she is deeply concerned with the
situation unfolding right here in the state.” [KIMA, 03/04/20]
Senator Murray: “I am pressing everyone
at ever one of the agencies, from FDA, to NIH, to CDC, to move quicker
than they have to get the tests out to our communities” [KNKX, 03/04/20]
Senator Murray: “I am hearing from
people personally across our state who are frustrated. They believe they
have been exposed. They are sick. They want to get tested. They have
nowhere to go.” [CNN, 03/04/20]
Print Coverage
The Washington Times: Sen. Patty Murray: Lack of prep, direction on coronavirus is 'completely unacceptable'
“Sen. Patty Murray of Washington on
Tuesday said her constituents are seeing delays and confusion in getting
tested for coronavirus and that if anyone is in charge at the White
House, it ‘would be news to anyone in my state.’
“‘And that is completely unacceptable,’
Mrs. Murray, a Democrat, told administration officials before the
Senate Health Committee.
‘This is really a frightening time,’
she added. ‘At least six people have already died in my state. I’m told
we should expect more.’
‘The administration has had months to prepare for this,’ she said.” [The Washington Times, 03/03/20]
ABC: Washington State senator 'frustrated' residents can't get tested for new coronavirus
“At a congressional hearing Tuesday
reviewing the U.S. response to the COVID-19 crisis, Washington Sen.
Patty Murray expressed strong frustration to federal health officials
over what she said was a lack of testing in her home state where at
least six people have died.
“‘I’m hearing from people that are sick
and want to get tested they do not know where to go,’ Murray said in
her opening statement, speaking to officials from the Centers for
Disease Control, the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug
Administration.” [ABC News, 03/03/20]
Spokesman-Review: ‘Way behind the 8-ball’: Sen. Murray decries COVID-19 testing lag time, shortage as virus spreads
“Or as Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., said
in a congressional hearing Tuesday, ‘We are now seeing community
transmission of this virus; families deserve to know when testing will
actually be ready to scale up.’
“Food and Drug Administration officials
told Murray and other members of Congress that they are working with
private companies to catch up by developing and sending out 2,500 test
kits, each with 500 tests, by the end of the week.
“‘That should give us the capacity, in
the hands of laboratories, once they validate, to perform up to a
million tests,’ Dr. Stephen Hahn, FDA commissioner, told the Senate
Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee on Tuesday.
“Murray isn’t buying that number, however.
“‘I have not seen any evidence that
that is real, nor did they provide any information to make me more
secure about that – that’s what concerns me,’ Washington’s senior
senator told The Spokesman-Review.”
“Sen. Murray wants the CDC to make
testing more widely available and faster, but Dr. Robert Kadlec,
assistant secretary at the Department of Health and Human Services,
acknowledged on Tuesday that rapid walk-in style testing in doctor’s
offices is still months away.
“Without testing for more people with
symptoms, regardless of the severity of those symptoms, decision-making
gets tough, Murray said.
“‘If you are a parent or a business
owner trying to make decisions – unless you have the facts to know how
many people have it and are impacted – it’s impossible to make a
decision,’ Murray said.”
“While local and state health
departments implement testing, quarantines and monitoring, Congress is
considering a bill to help fund local response and research for
treatment for the COVID-19 outbreak. Murray said she would like to see
the bipartisan supplemental funding passed by the end of the week.” [S-R, 03/03/20]
The Stranger: Patty Murray Grills Trump Administration Over Seattle’s Coronavirus Outbreak: “This Is A Really Frightening Time”
“Sen. Patty Murray criticized President
Donald Trump’s handling of the spreading coronavirus Tuesday morning,
using a Senate hearing to criticize the federal government’s response to
the deadly virus.
“‘The administration has had months to
prepare for this and…if someone in the White House is actually in charge
of responding to this crisis it would be news to anyone in my state,’
Murray said. ‘This is really a frightening time. At least six people in
my home state have already died from the virus and I’m told we should
expect more.’” [The Stranger, 03/03/20]
Politico: Widespread coronavirus testing could still be weeks away
“Sen. Patty Murray, whose home state of
Washington has seen nine deaths from the virus, was similarly blunt.
‘We know there are not enough tests out there,’ she said. ‘People cannot
get access to them.’”
“Murray is tired of waiting. She
blasted the administration’s handling of the situation, telling federal
health officials Tuesday that it’s ‘unacceptable’ Americans are having
trouble getting tested. In some cases, she said during a Senate HELP
Committee hearing, they have reportedly been turned away when they seek
clarity on whether they've been infected.
“‘The administration has had months to
prepare for this, Murray said. ‘We are now seeing community transmission
of this virus. Families deserve to know — and fast — when testing will
actually be ready to scale up.’
“Senate HELP Chairman Lamar Alexander
(R-Tenn.) also pressed for a faster increase in screenings, telling
administration officials that ‘there need to be more test kits
“Hahn reiterated his estimate that
materials for 1 million tests would be available by the end of the week —
emphasizing that the number includes commercial tests still under
“Under questioning from Murray, he
denied that HHS delayed issuing guidance allowing private labs to use
their own coronavirus tests.” [Politico, 3/3/20]
CNN: King County Executive Dow Constantine on Coronavirus (TV)
Host: “This
is just coming in from Washington, Senator from Washington Patty Murray.
There’s a hearing going on, senate hearing going on the coronavirus and
Senator Murray had some very strong words to say regarding the concern
over the concern of this virus. She said that people in the state, and
these are her words, are ‘I’m hearing from people who are sick. Who want
to get tested, are being told, or not being told where to go. I’m
hearing that even when people get tested, and it is very few so far,
that results are taking way longer to get back to them. It is
unacceptable that people in my state and nationwide can't even get an
answer as to whether or not they are infected.’ She says folks are
really scared. Is that what is happening?”
King County Executive Dow Constantine:
“I talked with Senator Murray yesterday and she's doing great work for
us in Washington, D.C. on this. The CDC had very narrow criteria about
who could be tested, and originally the kits the state received from the
federal government were faulty. Now we’re expanding to do local testing
at the state labs, at the University of Washington. We are in the next
couple of days going to have dramatically increased capacity to test
suspected cases of coronavirus.” [CNN, 03/03/03]
CNN: Feds sending health experts to Washington hospital where 6 coronavirus patients have died
“As a Washington congresswoman warns
her constituents are scared, federal health experts are being deployed
to a Kirkland hospital where six coronavirus patients have died, a top
health official said Tuesday.”
“The situation has residents
frightened, US Sen. Patty Murray said during the Senate hearing,
expressing concerns about testing protocol and the length of time it
takes to get results. ‘I'm hearing from people who are sick, who want to
get tested, (who) are not being told where to go,’ she said. ‘I'm
hearing that even when people do get tested -- and it's very few so far
-- that results are taking way longer to get back to them.’” [CNN, 03/03/20]
CNN: Pence: 'Any American can be tested' for coronavirus
“On Capitol Hill, Pence and his
coronavirus response team briefed Republicans and Democrats behind
closed doors about the response to the virus, but Democrats left the
briefing expressing alarm that the Trump administration was unprepared.
“‘We need the questions to be honest,
it can't be 'well, we're going to, we're going to' -- that's not what
families hear right now,’ said Sen. Patty Murray of Washington state,
the top Democrat on the Senate Health, Education Labor and Pensions
Committee. ‘They hear, 'We will not have a test for three months, and
therefore we need you to do this.' We're asking for honesty.’” [CNN 03/30/20]
The New York Times: Any American Can Now Be Tested for the Coronavirus, Pence Says
“The state’s other senator, Patty
Murray, said she had been hearing from constituents who were desperately
calling ‘every number they can find’ for information, and cannot get
“‘I think there’s a lot of concern
about honest, accurate reflection of what is real when you have
something like this happening,’ Ms. Murray said.
She criticized the Trump administration’s efforts to play down the effects of the virus.
“‘What I really feel strongly about is,
we do not need Mick Mulvaney telling people don’t watch TV,’ she added,
referring to remarks made by the acting White House chief of staff. ‘We
do not need the president saying this is fear mongering.’” [NYT, 03/03/20]
CNBC: Coronavirus live updates: US death toll rises to 9, North Carolina confirms state’s first case
“The first federal facility in the U.S.
was closed due to the coronavirus, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) said at a
Senate hearing on the outbreak. ‘Since we have been in this room, in
this hearing since this started, we have now learned of the first full
closure of a federal facility due to this virus,’ she said. ‘It’s a DHS
center in Tukwila, Washington in my home state.’” [CNBC, 03/03/20]
My Columbia River Basin: Murray questions fed’s COVID-19 response
“U.S. Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA)
expressed concerns Tuesday at a Senate committee hearing on novel
coronavirus and the federal government’s response. Speaking to officials
from the Centers for Disease Control, the National Institutes of Health
and the Food and Drug Administration, Murray said in her opening
statement she’s hearing from people that are sick and want to get tested
but do not know where to go.
“She said there is a lack of testing in
Washington, her home state, where six people have died. Murray said the
problem is the same across the country.
“‘It’s unacceptable that people in my
state and nationwide can’t even get an answer to whether or not they are
infected,’ she said. ‘To put it simply: if someone at the White House
or in this administration is actually in charge of responding to the
coronavirus, it’d be news to anybody in my state.’” [My Columbia River
Basin, 03/04/20]
Politico: Coronavirus emergency bill stalled over vaccine cost concerns
“Lawmakers including Democratic Sens.
Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell of Washington, where nine deaths have
been confirmed, challenged Pence during the hourlong meeting, which
became contentious at times, according to attendees.
“‘The failure to develop and distribute
working test kits to public health agencies has really cost us valuable
time,’ Murray said afterward. ‘I’m hearing from people personally
across our state who are frustrated. They believe they have been
exposed, they are sick, they want to get tested — but they have nowhere
to go.’
“Roughly $900 million in the bill would
go toward purchasing equipment including masks and ventilators. Murray
said that officials told senators they had stockpiled masks, but that
there were not enough.” [Politico, 03/03/20]
Washington Post: The U.S. health system is showing why it’s not ready for a coronavirus pandemic
“Despite weeks of preparations, health
planners continue to fret about shortages of protective masks and gowns
for hospital staff, as well as lifesaving mechanical respirators for
patients with severe cases of the disease.
“‘We need masks, we need ventilators
for our medical facilities, and we need it fast,’ U.S. Sen. Patty
Murray, of Washington state, which has experienced the largest fatal
outbreak in the country, said Tuesday. [WaPo, 03/04/20]
Bloomberg: Virus Tests and Transparency Are Main Concerns in U.S. Congress
“Senator Patty Murray, the panel’s top
Democrat, said the administration’s response so far has been
‘unacceptable,’ with her state of Washington reporting six deaths this
‘Containing this is absolutely
critical,’ Murray said. ‘Can the American people rely on you to be 100%
transparent?’” [Bloomberg, 03/02/20]
Bloomberg Government: Senators Push Trump Officials on Virus; Preparedness Scrutinized
“Federal experts sought to reassure the
Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee that their offices are
working alongside the private sector to identify Americans infected and
help treat the roughly 20% of cases that display severe symptoms. Top
Democrat Patty Murray (D-Wash.) said the response from the
administration so far has been ‘unacceptable.’ Her state reported eight
deaths this week, including two deaths announced today. [Bloomberg Gov, 03/03/20]
Bloomberg Government: U.S. Health Officials Testify on Coronavirus: TOPLive Transcript
“Senator Murray said she’s hearing from
people who are sick and want to get tested. This is going to be a major
concern, mixing fear of the coronavirus with an ongoing flu season.
Plenty of people who have the flu may think they have the virus. And
there are probably also a decent number of people who do have the
coronavirus, or are at risk, but haven’t been able to get tested. A lot
of this would have been avoided if wider testing had been available
“‘I urge the Senate to pass it very
quickly,’ Murray says of the spending package. She says she’s glad
Congress has gone beyond the $2.5 billion requested by the
“‘We can’t let conspiracies stoke
panic’ or discrimination, Murray says. She says Congress needs to take
steps to prevent bullying and harassment ‘motivated by fear.’”
“Murray says she will press Education
Secretary Betsy DeVos later this week about how and when schools should
close and what role the federal government will play in assisting state
and local governments.” [Bloomberg Gov, 03/03/20]
The Washington Times: Congress nears deal on coronavirus response package as U.S. death toll increases
“Sen. Patty Murray, Washington Democrat, said the increase can’t come soon enough during a ‘frightening time’ in her state.
“‘The administration has had months to
prepare for this, and it’s unacceptable that people in my state and
nationwide can’t even get an answer as to whether or not they are
infected,’ she said. [The Washington Times, 03/04/20]
CNBC: As coronavirus spreads, government races to solve a problem it doesn’t yet understand
“‘Do you really believe that one
million tests will be available by the end of this week?’ Sen. Patty
Murray, D-Wash., asked Food and Drug Administration chief Stephen Hahn.
Hahn had said in prepared remarks at the onset of the hearing that the
administration would be able to achieve that objective.
“Murray, whose state has seen nine
people die from the illness, is one of many lawmakers who blamed limited
testing supplies on allowing the illness to proliferate.
“In response to Murray, Hahn later
clarified he expects ‘up to a million tests.’ He walked the panel
through what would need to happen to achieve that goal.” [CNBC, 03/03/20]
NBC: Coronavirus deaths in Washington rise to 9 as state ups outbreak response
“Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., heard
about the uptick in the death toll while speaking at a Democratic policy
luncheon in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday afternoon.
“‘I just was texted that two more
people have been confirmed fatalities in King County in Washington
state, just while we're standing here,’ Murray said. They brought the
death toll to nine.
“‘This is truly a serious crisis,’ she added.” [NBC, 3/3/20]
Education Week: Schools Should 'Minimize Disruption' Over Coronavirus, CDC Official Says
“Schools might need to change how they
operate in the face of the coronavirus, but should also resist
significantly disrupting the lives of students and educators, a top
official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told members
of a U.S. Senate committee Tuesday.”
“Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., the
committee's top Democrat, indicated that she will be pressing U.S.
Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos for more information about the U.S.
Department of Education's response to the virus. Murray and several of
her Democratic colleagues wrote a letter to DeVos on Monday asking for
details about her department's response to the virus, how it was working
with other federal officials, and other questions.” [Ed Week, 03/03/20]
Associated Press: Lawmakers close in on $7.5B measure to battle coronavirus
“Lawmakers are finalizing a $7.5
billion emergency bill to fund the government’s response to the
coronavirus outbreak, even as fear is growing that the rapid spread of
the virus is a shock to the economy and will lead to significant
disruption in people’s everyday lives.”
“‘I am hearing personally from people
across our state who are frustrated. They have been exposed. They are
sick. They want to get tested. They have nowhere to go,’ said Sen. Patty
Murray, D-Wash., whose state is at the epicenter of the outbreak. ‘This
is truly a serious crisis and we cannot respond on the cheap or at the
last minute.’” [AP, 03/03/20]
Associated Press: In Congress, questions about overdue testing for coronavirus
“Lawmakers on Tuesday expressed
skepticism that U.S. health officials will be able to meet their goal of
significantly ramping up testing for the new coronavirus.
“Health officials have said U.S. labs
should have the capacity to run as many as 1 million tests by the end of
the week. But such testing has faced delays and missteps, and ‘I’m
hearing from health professionals that’s unrealistic,’ said U.S. Sen
Patty Murray, during a Senate hearing.” [AP, 03/03/20]
Associated Press: Tensions Rise as U.S. Death Toll From Coronavirus Reaches 7
“Tensions over how to contain the
fast-spreading coronavirus intensified Tuesday in the United States as
the death toll climbed to seven and lawmakers expressed doubts about the
government's ability to ramp up testing fast enough to deal with the
“But testing so far has faced delays
and missteps, and ‘I'm hearing from health professions that's
unrealistic,’ Democratic Sen Patty Murray of Washington state said at a
Senate hearing.”
“‘The people across my state are really
scared. I’m hearing from people who are sick, who want to get tested
and don’t know where to go,’ Murray said. ‘It’s unacceptable that people
in my state can’t even get an answer as to whether or not they are
infected.’” [AP, 03/03/20]
Associated Press: The Fed makes emergency rate cut to offset the coronavirus impact, but will it work?
“The amount Congress is expected to
approve is multiple times more than what the administration initially
asked for, although still less than what some health policy experts have
said was needed. Democrats have accused Trump of not moving quickly
enough to respond to the spread of the virus.
“‘The most important thing we can do
right now is pass a strong emergency supplemental as quickly as
possible, so that our federal and state and local health officials have
all of the resources they need. This is truly a serious crisis, and we
cannot respond on the cheap or at the last minute,’ said Democrat Sen.
Patty Murray of Washington, whose state has had nine deaths.” [AP, 03/03/20]
The New York Times: Estimates Fall Short of F.D.A’s Pledge for 1 Million Coronavirus Tests
“Does the United States really have the
capacity to ramp up its efforts and produce one million coronavirus
tests by the end of this week, as the head of the Food and Drug
Administration promised on Monday during a White House briefing?”
“Dr. Hahn repeated the estimate in
testimony Tuesday at a Senate committee hearing, where he told Senator
Patty Murray, Democrat of Washington, that, although ‘this is a dynamic
process,’ the federal government was working with private companies to
ship about 2,500 test kits to labs by the end of the week.” [NYT, 03/03/20]
The New York Times: Waive Fees for Coronavirus Tests and Treatment, Health Experts Urge
“In a letter to be sent on Wednesday,
Senator Patty Murray, Democrat of Washington, and about three dozen of
her colleagues expressed ‘serious concern that this Administration’s
health care sabotage and absence of a plan to lower drug prices
undermine our ability to respond’ to the coronavirus and other
infectious disease outbreaks.
“‘When a patient who has potentially
been exposed to the virus develops symptoms consistent with Covid-19,
they should be able to seek appropriate medical care without being
worried they cannot afford it,’ they said.” [NYT, 03/03/20]
Wall Street Journal: Coronavirus Response Plan Exposes Vulnerabilities in U.S. Health-Care System
“Congressional Democrats have been
pushing the paid sick leave bill proposed by Rep. Rosa DeLauro of
Connecticut and Ms. Murray of Washington that would require employers
with 15 or more workers to provide up to seven days of paid sick leave a
year, and all the leading Democratic presidential candidates support a
national paid sick leave requirement.” [WSJ, 03/04/20]
Washington Post: Every American can be tested for coronavirus, Pence promises
“Democratic Sens. Patty Murray and
Maria Cantwell of Washington state led the questioning at the
closed-door lunch, demanding to know when more test kits would become
available.” [WaPo, 03/04/20]
Roll Call: Doubts remain about timetable for new coronavirus tests
“But some lawmakers at a Senate
Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions hearing — such as
ranking member Patty Murray, D-Wash. — were skeptical.
“‘Frankly, I’m hearing from
professionals that’s unrealistic,’ said Murray, who represents
Washington state, the site of a coronavirus cluster at a facility that
treats the elderly. Nine Washington residents have died, according to
the Washington State Department of Health.”
“When pressed by senators such as Murray, Hahn declined to say how many people he expected to be tested this week.” [Roll Call, 03/03/20]
Salon: Coronavirus calls for a president — but Trump is just playing one on television
“From Democrats, including Rep.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., there was a link between spread or
worry about disease spread to the lack of Medicare for All, and notes
that Trump has cut money for the CDC. Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash.,
pointed out the obvious, that we need more than tweets and reassuring
remarks, and should be stockpiling whatever is medically needed.”
[Salon, 03/04/20]
The Oregonian: Coronavirus in Seattle:
Online petition calls for University of Washington closure to protect
student health; 15,000 have signed
A change.org petition is calling for
the University of Washington’s campus in Seattle to be closed because of
the spread of the novel coronavirus in the city…The availability of
coronavirus testing has been an issue in Washington state. “It’s only
after a long, frustrating delay that we’re able to test patients,”
Washington’s senior U.S. senator, Patty Murray, said this morning. [The
Oregonian, 03/03/20]
MyNorthwest: What it takes to get tested for coronavirus in Washington
“Despite the increased presence of
coronavirus in Washington state, many have been left with questions over
how and when exactly to get tested… Similar stories made their way to
Washington Sen. Patty Murray, who spoke Tuesday before the U.S. Senate
Health Committee.
“‘The people across my state are really
scared — I’m hearing from people who are sick, who want to get tested,
and don’t know where to go,’ she described. ‘It’s unacceptable that
people in my state can’t even get an answer as to whether or not they
are infected.’”
“‘It’s only after a long frustrating
delay that we’re able to test patients,’ said Sen. Murray, citing a lack
of necessary resources to adequately deal with testing. ‘Resources are
absolutely critical, but also were never envisioned to be sufficient to
respond to a threat like this.’ [MyNorthwest, 03/03/20]
STAT: Washington State risks seeing explosion in coronavirus cases without dramatic action, new analysis says
“The coronavirus outbreak in the
Seattle area is at a critical juncture and could see explosive growth in
cases much like Wuhan, China, if public officials don’t take immediate,
forceful measures, according to a new analysis of genetic data.”
“On Capitol Hill, Washington Sen. Patty
Murray (D) expressed deep frustration with the situation. ‘The failure
to develop and distribute working test kits to public health agencies
has really cost us valuable time. I am hearing from people personally
across our state who are frustrated,’ Murray said.
‘They believe they have been exposed,
they are sick, they want to get tested, they have nowhere to go,’ she
added. ‘People want to be safe and protected, they do not want to spread
this, they want to take care of themselves but we don’t have the
capability right now to do it with the policies we have in place.’”
[STAT, 03/03/20]
MedPage Today: Senators Quiz Health Officials on Coronavirus Basics
“Access to testing was a hot topic at
the hearing. Ranking member Patty Murray (D-Wash.), whose state has seen
deaths from novel coronavirus (nine as of March 3, 2020), said people
aren't being told where to go for testing. For people in her state who
have undergone testing for the virus, ‘the results are taking way longer
to get back to them,’ she said.
“Murray said she'd heard that a million
novel coronavirus tests will be available by the end of the week, but
the experts called that timeline ‘unrealistic.’” [MedPage Today, 03/03/20]
The Hill: Senators press Pence over coronavirus response in private briefing
“Senators on Tuesday pressed Vice
President Pence in a closed-door meeting over the administration’s
response to coronavirus, particularly expressing concerns with a lack of
“In the Democratic lunch, Sens. Patty
Murray and Maria Cantwell, who represent Washington state, which is at
the center of the spread of the virus in the U.S., took a lead role in
questioning Pence.”
“Murray also pressed officials at a hearing earlier on Tuesday.
‘I have people in my state who may have
been exposed,’ she said. ‘They cannot get answers about where to go,
and health officials are telling us that they fear that this virus has
been circulating for weeks undetected. We need to get these tests out.
People need to know answers.’” [The Hill, 03/03/20]
The Washington Post: U.S. reports 9th coronavirus death as the virus continues to spread; Fed cuts interest rate
“Washington State reported new deaths from coronavirus on Tuesday, raising the U.S. death toll from the virus to nine.”
“Sens. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell
of Washington state, which has had the only U.S. deaths so far from the
virus, led the questioning in the closed-door lunch, multiple senators
said.” [WaPo, 03/03/20]
NEWSWEEK: Coronavirus U.S. Outbreak
Update As New Cases Confirmed In New York, California, North Carolina,
New Hampshire And Washington
“Concerns have been raised over whether
the government will be able to supply the country with nearly a million
virus testing kits within days, as previously promised by health
officials, the AP reported.
“‘I am hearing from people personally
across our state who are frustrated,” Washington state senator Patty
Murray said at a meeting with senior government officials, adding that
the situation was ‘unacceptable’ and that ‘families deserve to know when
testing is going to scale up," according to the AP.
"The failure to develop and distribute
working test kits to public health agencies has really cost us valuable
time,’ she said.” [Newsweek, 03/04/20]
Al Jazeera: US government under scrutiny over delays in coronavirus testing
But members of Congress expressed scepticism over the estimates.
"I'm hearing from health professionals that's unrealistic," Democratic Senator Patty Murray told Hahn during the hearing. [AJ, 03/03/20]
Capital News Service: As new cases are reported, senators question government’s coronavirus response
“Sen. Patty Murray, a Democrat from
Washington and the committee’s ranking member, expressed frustration
with the lack of testing available in her home state, where six people
have died from the virus and an outbreak has overtaken a nursing home.
“‘The administration has had months to
prepare for this, and it is unacceptable that people in my state — and
nationwide — can’t even get an answer as to whether or not they are
infected,’ Murray said.” [Capital News Service, 03/03/20]
Voice of America: Fed Rate Cut Fails to Halt Stock Plunge Due to Coronavirus Fears
“Health professionals across the
country have complained about a lack of adequate testing and missteps by
federal authorities, including botching an initial diagnostic test and
restricting widespread screening.
“‘I am hearing from people who are
sick, who want to get tested, and don't know where to go,’ said U.S.
Senator Patty Murray, a Democrat from the state of Washington, the
location of all nine domestic deaths from the disease.” [Voice of
America, 03/03/20]
Newsmax: US Death Toll From Coronavirus Climbs to 9
“On Capitol Hill, lawmakers expressed
skepticism about U.S. health officials' claims that testing for the new
virus should be widely available by the end of the week. Authorities
have said labs across the country should have the capacity to run as
many as 1 million tests by then.
“But testing so far has faced delays
and missteps, and ‘I'm hearing from health professions that's
unrealistic,’ Democratic Sen Patty Murray of Washington state said at a
Senate hearing.
“The chief of the Food and Drug
Administration, Dr. Stephen Hahn, said the FDA has been working with a
private company to get as many as 2,500 test kits out to labs by the end
of the week. Each kit should be able to allow a lab to run about 500
tests, he said. But health officials were careful about making hard
“But some people who want to be tested
for the virus in the state are encountering confusion, a lack of testing
options and other problems as health authorities scramble to deal with
the crisis.
“‘The people across my state are really
scared. I’m hearing from people who are sick, who want to get tested
and don’t know where to go,’ Murray said. ‘It’s unacceptable that people
in my state can’t even get an answer as to whether or not they are
infected.’” [NewsMax, 03/03/20]
Courthouse News: Health Officials Debunk Trump Claims on Coronavirus
“Six U.S. patients have died from coronavirus, all in Senator Patty Murray’s home state of Washington.
“The Democrat called the Trump
administration’s response to the outbreak unacceptable, and stressed
that low income workers have been told to stay home if they are sick due
to a shortage of test kits, many without guaranteed paid leave.
“‘To put it simply, if someone at the
White House or in this administration is actually in charge of
responding to the coronavirus virus it would be news to anybody in my
state,” Murray said. [Courthouse News, 03/03/20]
The U.S. Sun: DEATH SPIRAL Coronavirus death toll rises to NINE in US with more than 100 others infected by deadly virus
“Senators gathered in Washington D.C. on Tuesday to discuss the response and next steps in response to the coronavirus.
“‘I'm very frustrated at the steps the
President has taken from repeatedly contradicting experts' advice, to
downplaying the seriousness of this threat, and to appointing a
politician to lead the response,’ Senator Patty Murray from Washington
said at the hearing.” [The U.S. Sun, 03/03/20]
Nexstar: Senators question health officials on coronavirus plans
“Health experts testified before a Senate committee Tuesday, laying out the latest facts on the coronavirus.
“The virus, which originated in China
and has infected tens of thousands of people there, has now spread to
nearly every continent. More than 100 cases have been confirmed in the
United States.
“‘People in my area scared,’ Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., said.
“Her state is the only one in the
nation that has recorded coronavirus deaths. Nine people there had died
of the infection as of Tuesday afternoon.
“‘If someone at the White House or in
this administration is actually in charge of responding to the
coronavirus, it would be news to anybody in my state,’ Murray said.
“She said providing states with
reliable testing equipment will help stop the spread, speeding up the
process because state officials won’t have to send suspected cases to
the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”
“Murray said she fears low-income
workers or those without health insurance will be forced to keep working
when they are sick, perhaps making them more susceptible to contracting
and spreading the illness.” [WJTV, 03/03/20]