.@WashingtonPost: "New infections in Wuhan could fall to ‘near zero’ by end of March, health expert tells Chinese media" Result of a massive, organized, scientific approach by #China to combat #Coronavirus. In US, no nat'l health plan or right to sick days, ppl fend for ourselves
Impossible to recycle even a tiny fraction of all #plastics, in this case, soda bottles. Fierce marketing built into capitalism, advertising rams products down our throats, destroying Earth. We need a planned economy driven by ppl's NEEDS, not profits: #Socialism! @pslweb
Gloria La Riva Retweeted
“Libya, more than anyone else’s war, was Hillary Clinton’s war.” ~ Julian Assange
And yet Hillary Clinton is out here walking free with gazillion-dollar book, Hulu documentary and podcast deals... While Assange faces 175 years in prison for exposing her crimes and many others’.
I will vote for me! Hope you will too, if you are registered @peaceandfreedom party in California, Tue., Mar. 3!! #VoteSocialist @LaRivaPeltier @pslweb
Gloria La Riva Retweeted
Fight the virus, not the people! Solidarity YES! Anti-chinese racism NO! #COVID19 #coronavirus
Today, #SanFrancisco rally #Chinatown to say: "Fight the virus, not the people" "Solidarity Yes, No to Anti-Chinese Racism" 1 pm, start at Portsmouth Sq., march to Union Sq. We need to march together to fight racism and irrational fears. Healthcare is what ppl need, not bigotry!
Gloria La Riva Retweeted
When we say #AbolishICE we don't mean "rearrange and rename ICE" or "reassign ICE's duties to another agency".
Release every person detained in ICE's hellish concentration camps immediately! Reunite the families! Full rights for all immigrants!
Gloria La Riva Retweeted
When socialist Cuba houses the homeless, feeds the hungry, cures cancer, and educates the entire population, that's "authoritarian", but when the capitalist US allows millions to suffer or die simply because they're poor, that's "freedom"? Freedom for who?
Gloria La Riva Retweeted
For all the US denunciation of #China since #coronavirus, false accusation of "rounding ppl up". No, they were correct in their medical, organized approach. In U.S., the foot dragging by Trump & #CDC; #Pence! in charge, no natl plan nor healthcare, potential disaster mounting.
Our PSL comrades in the exciting Che Guevara youth delegation. Coming back more informed and energized! #ConChavezYBatallaYVictoria @NicolasMaduro @nick_psl_sf @pslweb
Gloria La Riva Retweeted
Ban Ki-Moon:
"Your doctors are with communities through thick and thin: before disasters strike, throughout crises and long after storms have passed. They are often the first to arrive and the last to leave." #Cuba
Viva el pueblo venezolano y su espíritu de rebelión. ¡Viva Chávez! ¡Viva Maduro! #HandsOffVenezuela
Gloria La Riva Retweeted
Who can believe VP Pence cares about public health? Last year he toured the border concentration camps, where the U.S. government deprives immigrants and their children of flu shots or even soap.
Gloria La Riva Retweeted
No better argument for universal, free healthcare than the fact that 10s millions US ppl have no means to see a doctor to minimize #coronavirus, other illnesses. US govt & media attack #China on & on, but they are handling it decisively. @pslweb
A cheap shot, a shame to agree w #Russia bashing, accuse it of US election interference. Completely hides sordid US history of pouring billions $ to decide other countries' elections. When it doesn't go #Washington's way, overthrow that gov't. Disservice to the ppl who need truth
Gloria La Riva Retweeted
Guarantee housing as a human right and no longer have 1.5 million homeless students. #capitalistkolb has no solution. Only .@GloriaLaRiva has housing as a right as a platform. #DemDebate2020 https://www.larivapeltier2020.org/program