For all the Beltway Dems who purport to be worried about “disinformation,” there’s been very little outrage about Team Biden mounting a flagrant disinformation campaign to try to erase Biden’s record and votes from history.
We should be clear about what this is: @JoeBiden and his staff are litetally trying to erase history. It’s an absolutely indisputable fact that Joe Biden repeatedly tried to cut Social Security. Biden and his staff are pretending these videos don’t exist. …
David Sirota Retweeted
Trump is a disaster for abortion rights — but Joe Biden can’t be trusted to fight for choice by @natashalennard
David Sirota Retweeted
Mitch McConnell says he wants to work with the next Dem president to cut Social Security
@JoeBiden spent 30+ years working with the GOP to try to cut Social Security
@BernieSanders has fought to block those cuts
@AliVelshi & I discussed it on MSNBC -- watch the clip & retweet
David Sirota Retweeted
David Sirota Retweeted
David Sirota Retweeted
Biden just called our multiracial working class movement “Bernie Brothers” in a room full of rich people. Donate if that makes u mad:
David Sirota Retweeted
.@cascamike to @AnnieGrayerCNN: “Tens of millions are uninsured while coronavirus spreads, the planet is warming ... working people haven’t seen a real raise in decades, and Joe Biden is worried about some damn tweets? Let’s try to stay focused on the big issues.”
David Sirota Retweeted
Dear @JoeBiden:
You spent 30 yrs repeatedly working with the GOP to try to cut Social Security. We need a nominee who doesnt have a record like that. We need @BernieSanders, who fought the kind of Social Security cuts you pushed & that Trump is pushing. …
David Sirota Retweeted
Today at the Democratic caucus in Denver, I am proudly supporting @EmilyForCO for state representative and @Romanoff2020 for U.S. Senate. #copolitics
David Sirota Retweeted
So proud to work everyday with so many incredibly talented people to build a social media operation unrivaled by any campaign.
David Sirota Retweeted
In 1995, I was on the House floor fighting the GOP’s efforts to cut Social Security. 5 days later, Joe Biden gave a speech in the Senate bragging about his work with the GOP to try to freeze funding for Social Security. 4/8
If @JoeBiden is the nominee, he'll be relentlessly attacked by Trump for pushing NAFTA & Social Security cuts.
@BernieSanders' record on those issues can't be impugned by Trump, which is why Bernie is our strongest general election candidate - pass it on
David Sirota Retweeted
Does Biden really believe that George W. Bush conducted a responsible, constructive, rule-abiding foreign policy? Biden's words here imply that he does. …
David Sirota Retweeted
Joe Biden claims in a new ad that he has always protected Social Security. That’s patently false. He can’t hide 40 years of working with Republicans to cut Social Security. Here are the facts. 1/8
David Sirota Retweeted
David Sirota Retweeted
Here’s a thread of every time Joe Biden pushed for cuts to Social Security. First, on the Senate floor in 1995: …
Joe Biden spent 30+ years working with Republicans to try to cut Social Security. Any attempt to pretend otherwise is a deliberate misinformation effort. The receipts are all there -- in the Congressional Record and in C-Span videos.
Receipts here: …
I was just on @VelshiMSNBC with @AliVelshi discussing @JoeBiden’s 30-year record working with Republicans to try to freeze/cut Social Security. Watch this video to see Biden’s proudly bragging about his efforts to freeze/cut the program 

David Sirota Retweeted
I am constantly asked if I‘d support the Dem nominee. Could you imagine if I said I wouldn’t?
Yet Biden’s camp is on TV threatening to help Trump if they don’t get exactly what they want.
This is profoundly irresponsible on all ends. Our country is not a game. Get it together.
David Sirota Retweeted
I am outraged by the act of anti-semitism targeting @BernieSanders and his supporters. To raise a Nazi flag against Sanders or any member of the Jewish faith is disgraceful and unacceptable. We condemn this act of white supremacy and stand against hate in all its forms.