David Sirota Retweeted
When we talk about records of getting things done in Washington, we have to admit that it is is true: @BernieSanders did not help pass the Iraq War resolution, the bankruptcy bill or Donald Trump's defense budgets. But he did do this:
David Sirota Retweeted
I still can’t get over “it’s sexist for Bernie to campaign in Massachusetts” being a real take that got published in a newspaper.
David Sirota Retweeted
Elizabeth Warren: “It is so meaningful to have someone whose office you can walk into who says ‘How does this effect the people who live in my state?… the American people?’ That’s what @BernieSanders said the first time I walked into his office.” #NotMeUs
David Sirota Retweeted
This single 45-second video explains the difference between @BernieSanders and @JoeBiden. In a 5-day period, Republicans tried to cut Social Security. You’ll see which side Bernie and Joe were on.
Take 45 second to watch it — and retweet.
I told this to @TomSteyer (who I think is a good guy) when he visited Denver a few years back, and I’m gonna say it again: he should buy a bunch of newspapers in fossil fuel states & give those newsrooms the mandate to aggressively cover the fossil fuel industry & climate change.
David Sirota Retweeted
This — and I can’t stress it enough — THIS
https://twitter.com/steventdennis/status/1218660584155156480 …

David Sirota Retweeted
Don’t tell cable pundits that Bernie Sanders is leading nationally among black voters https://interc.pt/3cmpHFi by @nausjcaa, @aidachavez, @akela_lacy
David Sirota Retweeted
It appears tonight that Elizabeth Warren, after struggling mightily in 4 straight states, just decided to throw @BernieSanders under the bus.
It’s sad to see her make this turn.
Even after this, Bernie would never speak ill of her.
Joe Biden has been telling you who he is for 20 years. We should believe him. https://web.archive.org/web/20031225032516/http://biden.senate.gov/~biden/press/release/98/03/2000A26318.html …
David Sirota Retweeted
Only masochists work on presidential campaigns - welcome to contest 4/58.
David Sirota Retweeted
Medicare for All gets another win in SC, 50% to 44%, per exit poll. (It had stronger wins in IA, NH & NV, which all had about 6 in 10 in favor).
Industry group ad campaign blunted in part by @wendellpotter's Medicare for All NOW!'s efforts in SC.