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Thank you @KillerMike for the the uplift on @TheRealDaytime. When you called me this generation’s Shirley Chisholm my
skipped beats. Her unbought & unbossed spirit informs me. The fight for justice is forever & I am honored to be in that fight!

Nina Turner Retweeted
Man, if all the non-southern Black folks cosplaying caring about southern Black folks in order to argue that Bernie Sanders doesn’t care about southern Black folks actually cared about southern Black folks any other time, there’s no telling where we’d be.
Nina Turner Retweeted
First and foremost, Karen, the issue is weaponizing Black women's anger and trying to use it as an excuse to silence and discriminate against us. More of us should be angry. Secondly, I will never need your opinion on when and where it's appropriate for Black women to show anger. …
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Nina Turner Retweeted
Bernie’s gonna do it!
Nina Turner Retweeted
Those friends who care about unity and about stopping the madness of Trump and his Administration, I am urging you to stop ignoring the fact that @BernieSanders can actually beat Trump.
Nina Turner Retweeted
On the Democratic side, there's one candidate who has historically been open to Trump's line of thinking and then there's Bernie.
Nina Turner Retweeted
I'm honored to have the support of @CommonDefense. I've proudly stood with veterans my entire career, including serving as chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee. We must end our endless wars and take care of the veterans who have served our country.
Nina Turner Retweeted
Biden voted for the Iraq War
Bernie vociferously advocated against it
Biden voted to reduce increases in Social Security
Bernie consistently calls for increasing benefits
Biden voted for every rotten trade deal of the 90s
Bernie opposed them
The two couldn't be more different.
Nina Turner Retweeted
We are endorsing @BernieSanders for President because Idaho needs Climate Justice and the Green New Deal. Bernie isn’t just a candidate running for office- his campaign embodies a movement running for office. On March 10th, we will vote. And we will vote for Bernie!
Nina Turner Retweeted
The time to fight back is now. I'm endorsing @BernieSanders because the only way we win is if we all fight for someone we don't know - for racial justice, marginalized folks, education, healthcare, for a society for us all and not the few
A better world IS possible. #notmeus
Nina Turner Retweeted
I am inspired by the possibility of having a President that fully understands that our country has a poverty crisis.
Michigan needs a Sanders Administration that will fight for #MedicareForAll #GreenNewDeal #BoostAct because we can't afford to wait any longer. @BernieSanders
Nina Turner Retweeted
Nina Turner Retweeted
Nina Turner Retweeted
Sista @rosaclemente thank you so much for your words of uplift. We are on a Justice journey and you are on the front line too! Peace and blessing!
Nina Turner Retweeted
Nina Turner Retweeted
Headlined as if it’s a scandal, this makes me like @BernieSanders even more. At peak of Cold War, he wanted to build people2people ties, cut military spending, stop nuclear madness, & end US support for Latin American brutal military regimes.
Nina Turner Retweeted
Nina Turner Retweeted
.@ChrisCuomo has invited me back on his show @CuomoPrimeTime to have a deeper discussion. I look forward to this opportunity. Getting understanding is so important. Thank you Cuomo!!!!

Nina Turner Retweeted
Nina Turner Retweeted
Missouri for Bernie GOTV Statewide Road Trip: Jefferson City @amy4thepeople and I met with local high school students; Medicare for All was one of the hot topics. It was beautiful to witness their excitement as we spoke about a @BernieSanders presidency.
Next stop
: Columbia!

Nina Turner Retweeted
My name is Pam.
I'm a 59 year old Caucasian woman who is economically part of the 2 percent.
I'm fighting for healthcare, education, human rights, and the future of our planet.
I stand with #NotMeUs.
Does that make me one of the #BernieBrothers?
Nina Turner Retweeted
My name is Terryn.
I am queer and the daughter of a Thai immigrant.
I'm fighting for equity of opportunity and for the 68,000 people we can save a yr with M4A.
I stand with #NotMeUs
Does that make me one of the #BernieBrothers
Nina Turner Retweeted
Harry Belafonte eloquently echoes our rage at an unjust society in a Town Hall Meeting on Poverty, 2005.
Damn right we're angry. There is still no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from injustice. With these hands, we save ourselves. #BernieBrothers #NotMeUs
Nina Turner Retweeted
My name is Leela.
I'm a woman of color.
I'm fighting for the kids in cages and the future of our planet.
I stand with #NotMeUs.
Does that make me one of the #BernieBrothers?
Nina Turner Retweeted
While I listened intently to what @hilaryr and @ninaturner both said, Nina was far more correct than Hilary was on what MLK said in that book. First, in the 6,918-word essay MLK only uses the word silence once. This is what he wrote: "We will have to repent in this generation 2/5
Nina Turner Retweeted
"not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people." That's it. @hilaryr was wrong to say MLK was speaking of the "silence of white moderates." That's just not true. He was very specific about white moderates 3/5
Nina Turner Retweeted
On seven different occasions in the essay, MLK spoke clearly and directly about the "white moderate." This is what @ninaturner was talking about, and what @hilaryr got wrong. MLK wrote the essay on April 16, 1963. Yet four years later in "Chaos or Community," he was saying 4/5
Nina Turner Retweeted
"White Americans left the Negro on the ground and in devastating numbers walked off with the aggressor. It appeared that the white segregationist and the ordinary white citizen had more in common with one another than either had with the Negro." @hilaryr @ninaturner 5/5
Nina Turner Retweeted
How is it that when black women are disrespected people say we should get over it. @hilaryr
was out of bounds and used her priviledge to disrespect an educated black woman @ninaturner. So @JoeBiden campaign are you going to denounce your "Biden Bro"?
Nina Turner Retweeted
Nina Turner Retweeted
Nina Turner Retweeted
Nina Turner Retweeted
NOTE: @BernieSanders has been a champion of Social Security and Medicare for decades, and has voted against every job-killing free trade deal since NAFTA. He is not nearly as vulnerable to Trump’s attacks as @JoeBiden is.
Nina Turner Retweeted
Just booked my flight to Michigan to knock on doors with @eshaLegal! My heart is racing. Leaving in 3 hours! #LetsGo #NotMeUs #Bernie2020 #MichiganForBernie #MichiganPrimary
Nina Turner Retweeted