Monday, March 21, 2005

Why are you at the rally? "Because a recruiter showed up at my high school lying to us and that was the last lie . . . I could take"

Antonio, 17: "I am here because a recruiter showed up at my high school lying to us and that was the last lie of all the lies about this war that I could take. He told us, with the principal standing right next to him, that if you sign up and it doesn't work out, you can just go home.And people were talking afterwards and saying stuff like, 'Well it would pay for college and if it doesn't work out, I could just leave.' And I was saying, 'Oh no, that's not how it works.' But a lot of kids in my school believe it and the lies have to stop and the only way they will stop is when enough people show up and say 'no más.' That's what I'm saying today and that's why I'm here."
[Note: "No más" is Spanish for "no more."]

That's from The Third Estate Sunday Review article 'At the rallies, we ask, "Why Are You Here?" [Disclosure, I helped with that article.] Did you read the article? Eighty-one voices explaining why they elected to attend a rally. Coverage you didn't get in the New York Times.